Before the game

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Kiba pov

Right now I was outside the clubroom looking at my swords while everyone were getting ready for the rating game, Wondering if we are ready for this since this is everyone's first rating game and we were going up against a full peerage who had plenty of experience fighting in rating games. In the middle of my thinking I was brought out by a tap on my shoulder which made me look to see y/n

Kiba:what do you want y/n

Y/n:nothing much I just wanted to give you something before the rating game starts

He said while snapping his fingers which made a box appear infront of me which I quickly catch

Kiba:well thanks but ... can I tell you something

Y/n:sure what is it?

Kiba:be honest with me ... are we ready for this?


Kiba:I knew you were  going to say that

Y/n:that's because no matter how you look at it kiba risers peerage has many advantages over you for instance they have you outnumbered, have more experience then any of you and have a Phoenix who can heal there wounds faster then you can make them. Plus it would be even worse if Kings were allowed since then you have to fight two Phoenix's and also make sure Rias doesn't get taken out of the game.

Kiba:*sigh* the way your telling me sounds like you know for a fact that we are going to lose

Y/n:but after my training ... I can say that you guys have a chance at winning this

Kiba:what makes you say that?

Y/n:well last time I checked your weights the ones for your arms were 100 pounds while the ones for your legs were 200, was able to fight me when I was trying a little both armed and unarmed, and were able to do some of the things I can do but still it's a small chance so don't get over confident

Kiba:don't worry I won't

Y/n:good by the way good luck on your rating game

With those words said he then made a magic circle appear under him then disappear while I open the box to some clothes with a card that said "for you"


I then open the door into the club room to see akeno, koneko, raynare, kala, dohnaseek, mittlet and grayfia who looked towards me to see that I was wearing the clothes y/n gave me

I wore a simple gray short sleeved shirt, long black pants with white stripes, gray shoes, over my right hand was a pure black fingerless glove with a red devil wing on the back of it and has a red odachi on the palm of it, over my left hand was a white fingerless glove with a blue angel wing on the back of it and has a blue great sword on the palm, a overcoat that almost touched the ground colored black on the right side, white on the left side, and gray in the middle. around the edge of the black side of the coat were red flames while for the white side there were blue ice, on the sleeves were a row made out of red/blue crosses which were pointing up on the white side but were instead pointing down on the black side, finally in the back on the jacket and on the gray side was a single double edged sword which was black and white

Kiba:so how do I look?

Dohnaseek:like you want to be in heaven and hell at the same time

Akeno:like your an angel and a devil

Koneko:... yin & yang

Mittlet:Same here

Grayfia:so since your all here are you ready for the rating game to start


Grayfia:then I wish you all good luck during the game

As she said that a magic circle appear below us then shined brightly

The blacksmith (male reader x highschool dxd)Where stories live. Discover now