Y/n vs the ORC

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(Hey everyone before you read this know that I think this one will be kinda bad but hey that's my opinion and my standers of writing is more then I can accomplish)

Y/n:so are you four ready

I said while facing Rias, akeno, koneko, and kiba behind the ORC building so we don't get any unwanted attention during our fight

Rias:of course we are

Y/n:alright so...

I then summon one of the sword from my collection to my hand and do some test swings with it then finish it off by doing a strong one handed swing which made a strong gust push the grass infront of me making it go like a wave, after my little display I saw kiba look at my sword in confusion which quickly stopped

I then summon one of the sword from my collection to my hand and do some test swings with it then finish it off by doing a strong one handed swing which made a strong gust push the grass infront of me making it go like a wave, after my little disp...

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Y/n:let's begin

As soon as I said those words I watched as kiba charge straight at me with his sword unsheathed then swing it towards my neck for a quick kill only for I to block his sword

Y/n:sorry but you have to do better then that to hit me speedster

Kiba:well then guess I should stop trying to end this quickly

He then took a step back to revel koneko with her fist pulled back which made me smirk

Y/n:really the "one attacks to hide the other" strategy what is this pre-school?

I then stomp the ground making a bit of the ground under koneko rise up and become a sword which hit her in the jaw pummel first interrupting her attack and let's me punch her in the gut with my swords guard then send her to the sky with a upward swing next I put my blade behind my back which blocked kiba's sword which was about to cut me in half, not giving him a second to pull back his sword I turned around and kicked him in his stomach then followed it up by putting him in a choke hold

Y/n:hey here's a thought for you guys why don't you stop using obvious strategies that were used a thousand times cause they are so easy to predict

As if to prove my point I heard crackling of lightning behind me which made me look to see Rias and akeno blasting a ball of POD and a bolt of lightning which made me throw kiba to the side then cut the lightning bolt in half and stab the ball of POD making the ball slowly disappear as if my sword was erasing its existence

Y/n:a POD user? Guess that means your part of the Bael clan but it won't matter that much since my sword erases all demonic abilities gained by devil clans

Rias:oh really well let's test that fact

They then all go to one side of our little arena while I was in the middle of them with a calculating look in My eyes

Y/n:*ok since my sword can erase Rias's POD attacks I don't have to worry about her that much but If I don't pay attention to her I will leave a opening for her to attack, akeno's use of electricity is basically useless against me since after I became that thing it made me immune to lightning, koneko has to be the muscle in there group aka the rook since kiba got back as if he was thinking that if he accidentally got hit by her then he will be rolling across the ground, as for him since he is that fast it means that he is her knight, Alright then since I already feel kinda bored of this fight I will end this now*

The blacksmith (male reader x highschool dxd)Where stories live. Discover now