Day 1 the warm up

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Kiba:you want me to what?

Right now I was with asia and the ORC facing kiba while we were at the place Rias told me they will be training at with a keno sword in my hand

Y/n:I want you to spar with me

Kiba:ok why?

Y/n:I just want to know how good you are

Kiba:... fine

He then go and grabbed a keno sword then got into his usual fighting stance while I do the same

After a few seconds of silence kiba suddenly disappeared from sight only to reappear infront of me getting ready to swing his sword


only for I to immediately disarm him with a single swing of my stick then put it towards his neck

Y/n:... pathetic

I then put away the kendo sword then faced Rias who was looking at my little display with aww along with Akeno and koneko

Y/n:Rias I'm going to train kiba myself is that ok with you


Y/n:I'm going to take that as a yes

I then grabbed the bag I packed with the sword I made a couple of days ago and training equipment then put it over my shoulder and start to drag kiba into the forest only for him to start walking with me which made me stop dragging him


Y/n:ok this looks like a good place to train

With that said I dropped my bag then look around to see we are in the part of the forest which didn't have as much trees making it more open for us

Kiba:ok since you finally found a spot for us to settle down can you tell me why you wanted to spar with me in the first place?

Y/n:to see how good of a swordsman you are

Kiba:alright so how good was I

Y/n:well ... I'm going to be blunt with you your swordsmanship is average at best, your grip on your sword is pathetic, and your speed is just a bit above average

When I was done with my analysis I saw kiba on his knees with his head down while a depressed aura came off of him

Y/n:... *sigh* sorry but I'm just being honest here

Kiba:well you could have at least hold back a little bit ...

Y/n:yeah I probably should have but I didn't want to make you think you just need become a little bit better oh by the way before I forget I have a present for you

Curious on what I was going to give him kiba looked towards me while I took out the cloth covered sword Then started to take the cloth off to reveal its white steel and holy edge which complimented its cross shaped guard, As soon as kiba saw it he glared at it with extreme hate while I hold it out for him

Kiba:... no

Y/n:seriously? I spent so long making this sword for you and your going to not even touch it

Kiba:sorry but I had a bad experience with holy swords in the past ...

Y/n:so what this is not a holy sword which was used in the church, its not a sword with a holy angel in it, its just a sword I made using purified light which doesn't have as much of a effect on devils as holy light so stop being a bitch and take the stupid sword





Kiba:... fine

Finally decided to take it kiba grab the sword out of my hand then started to give it a few test swings

Kiba:weird it's lighter then any sword I ever hold

Y/n:it's because it's made of actual light and since light weights nothing it will weight less then a feather, by the way catch

I then threw a couple of weights at kiba who dodged them all and after realizing what they are started to put them on

In the middle of him putting his weights on I then slowly walk behind kiba and pull back my fist



Before he could finish I quickly punched kiba in the gut making him get blasted back and go through 15 trees then stop when he crashed against the 16 one making him get on his knees and start to spit out bits of blood

Kiba:sweet . Lucifer that hurt

Y/n:before you say anything technically it's your fault for just standing there when I screamed DODGE as loud as I can

Kiba:Alright then well here's a better question why did you punch me in the first place and hit me oh I don't know five times harder then koneko could ever do!

Y/n:to improve your reflexes obviously since if there wasn't any risk then you will be lazy the whole time and if you don't dodge any of my punches then after a while you will learn to take more hits making you less fragil

Kiba:well at least you have a good reason why you did it but still at least tell me that before you hit me with something that would probably send me to the hospital

Y/n:fine I will tell you next time now then I want you to sprint around the whole clearing 10 times

Kiba:is that a joke? Cause with my speed sprinting around this whole clearing is just a warm up you should make it 100

In the middle of him talking kiba try to sprint only for him to fall face first onto the ground before he could do a single step

Y/n:oh yeah by the way the weights on your hands are 20 pounds and the weights on your legs are 40 pounds also they automatically double in weight whenever you get used to it ... also since you asked for it you now have to do 100 laps

Kiba:... tell me is this training or a new way of torture

Y/n:neither this is actually just the warm up now MOVE

The blacksmith (male reader x highschool dxd)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora