Day 2 fighting style

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Y/n:wake up

I then poured a bucket full of cold water on kiba making him immediately get on his feet while shivering like a cat who recently got dumped into the ocean

Kiba:ergh what is it now!

Y/n:isn't obvious it's time to actually start your training

I said while throwing the bucket away then made a sword from my collection appear to my hand, it was a sword made completely out of gold, it has a flame like design on it, the whole sword looks like it belongs to someone who is the definition of royalty, and it got out a barley noticeable aura of power and loss

Kiba:thank Lucifer cause if I have to do another lap then my limbs will be ripped off

He says to me with obvious relief ... which quickly was replaced with disbelief and fear

Y/n:today you will have to fight me while I use a sword from my collection in its awaken form and you can't fight me using your usual fighting style

Kiba:............ WHAT!!!!

Y/n:your not deaf so I shouldn't need to repeat myself

Kiba:but last time I fought you with your swords awakened form you easily no effortlessly beat me faster then I can blink!

Y/n:yeah but don't worry this one isn't the same as Arthur it's more different

Kiba:if that was supposed to make me feel confident it's not working and why can't I use my usual fighting style?

Y/n:because your fighting style always go for the kill which would be good if you need to end a fight quickly but you will be predictable and easy to defend against so instead I want you to fight with multiple fighting style you don't use to fight since if you use one you will be predictable if the person your fighting knows that style but if you use multiple at once and randomly switch between them it will be close to impossible for someone to defend against you

Kiba:... *sigh* that's true

Reluctantly kiba stood up then made a random sword appear to his hand while I stab my sword into the ground and start my chant

Y/n:powerful son of the sun god wake up from your sleep and show my enemy your true power as a almighty hero who is feared by the gods themselves, bearer of many tragic acts, and a flame which burns brighter then even your own father KARNA!

Immediately I was covered in a giant pillar of light which reached the sky, after a few seconds the pillar of light disappear to reveal me

I wore golden knight like armor with a red stone embedded into the chest piece, my hair was now pure white with platinum tips and has gotten longer, my eyes were as sharp as a swords edge, and my swords handle unlike before was now the size of a spear which I twirled effortlessly and put it over my shoulder

Y/n:get ready cause right now you won't have anymore time to rest

(To make it easy for me I'm now going to call it a spear)

With that I suddenly appeared right infront of kiba and thrust my spear at him repeatedly which he dodged as best as he can, after a while of dodging he swing his sword at me hoping that it ends my endless assault only for his sword to shatter as soon as it touched my armor and let me retaliate by smashing my spears pummel into his jaw which made him get sent high up into the air

After a while of waiting I watched as thousands upon thousands of swords started to rain down towards me which made me smirk then point my empty hand at the center of it and made a red magic circle appear infront of my hand

Y/n: परमाणु

As soon as I said those words from my magic circle came a small red ball of energy which went towards the storm, as soon as the ball touched one of the swords it suddenly created a nuclear explosion which destroyed every one of the weapons and let me see kiba falling down to the ground fast

Deciding to stop his fall I snapped my fingers which made him disappear from sight then reappear infront of me

Y/n:huh well that ended faster then expected ... but to be honest it's expected since I did awaken the sword which lets me fire nukes and have complete invincibility

I then go back to normal and made my sword disappear, knowing he will probably be sleeping for a few hours I got some ingredients from my bag and start cooking breakfast for us

(Sorry if there isn't that much action but to be honest ... it was my fault for making you pick the weapon that makes kiba have no chance in hell at fighting against)

The blacksmith (male reader x highschool dxd)Where stories live. Discover now