Eleven- Schemin'

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grababuse behavior gay hurt love mindless mustread pain roc royal royce roycee, ugh.

"What the hell are you looking at?" I snapped

He chuckled.

"Chill." He said.

I squinted my eyes at him.

"Aight, I'm Micah."

I nodded, notreally caring who this. Sexy... I mean strange boy was.

"What's your name?" he asked,annoying me.

"Sparkle." I mumbled, unlocking my phone.

He scooted closer to me,getting all up in my space.

That was the last fucking straw.

"Move back nigga!" I yelled pushing him back.

He smacked his lips, " I ain't fully black you know." He said. "I'm Blasian (Black and Asian)."

I smiled.

"Neither am I." I replied, "I'm Blexican (Black and Mexican)."

"No wonder why you so sexy." He mumbled.

"i can say the same for you."

For the next 20 minutes we laughed and talked on the bus, killing time.

But it soon stopped when it was time for me to get off

"By MIcah," I waved,

"Wait Lemme get yo number."

I pulled out a pen and wrote on his hand then got off the bus.


"Fuck Chres!!" I yelled.

Our bodies were both drenched in sweat as he gripped my hair, pulling my head back.

He mvoed in and out of me at a fast pace, Whispering sexy things in my ear.

I winced in pain and moaned.

"Shit. C-CHRES!"

"You gonna run away from me anymore?" He grunted in my ear.

"N-no." I whispered

Chres jerked my head back and kissed my lips.

He pulled out and I fell onto the bed, my legs trembling.

"You horny anymore?" He asked

I couldn't answer.

"Guess I did my job."He chuckled, walking out the room.

I rolled over and grabbed my blanket, wrapping up with my weak arms.

Soon, I fell asleep.


"911 emergencies only." She wrote.

I chuckled at this girl.

Little does she know I know EVERYTHING about her.

I know her name is Goldie Tiara Perez, I know her dad and mom are divorced, I know she has 2 siblings Christian Ethan Perez and Jacob Emmanuel Perez but Christian died in a car accident, I know she was abused by her dad, I know her mom still hates her to this day, I know she was an underage stripper because she had no money, need I say more?

Trust me, if I wanted to, I can kill her and her family in a blink of an eye.

I got off next to a seven-eleven, picked up a slurpee and was on my way.

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