Two - Luscious

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School today was hell. After lunch, I found my girlfriend in the bathroom with some punk ass dude, kissing and touching.

We broke up.

Theeennnn in gym, I tripped and twisted my ankle.

When I was walking to the nurses office, My shirt got caught in a locker and ripped.

On top of that, I have to find this dude named Chresanto August to help me with science.

So now I'm walking with crutches way across the campus to the tutor room to find this dude.

Let's hope this goes well because if something bad happens, I swear I am going to scream so loud, I'll probably break the windows.

I'm not joking.

Once I made it over there, there was literally only one person in the room.

He had blonde curls, muscular body and luscious pink lips.

"Chresanto?" I asked.

"Yeah, who asking?" He replied, not taking his eyes off his phone.

Rude much?

Who pissed in his cheerios.

"Look, Mr. Charleston gave me this damn notecard with information saying Chresanto August has tutor me. I know damn well I better get some tutoring because I'm standing on a damn twisted ankle and these stupid crutches ain't helping shit! So if you are Chresanto, help me." I said, angrier than ever

"Aight, fine." He said, locking his phone.

I sat down in the chair across from him.

"What are your questions?" He asked.

I took out my test and showed it to him.

He looked down on it and started to laugh.

"Are you serious!" He chanted, laughing hard

I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, I'm sorry. Ummm, here, let's start with question 2." He took out his text book while I took out mine.

We turned to page 154.

"Question 2 is asking, Explain Charles Darwin's theory of evolution."

"Ummm... Our parents had sex and our daddy's sperm fertilized the mommy's egg and here we are." I said

Chresanto shook his head.

He took a highlighter and highlited a sentence.

"Read it." He said.

I began to read.

"Darwin's theory explained man coming from green slime, evolving into a lizard, a tadpool, a chimp, a monkey, a gorilla and then an ape and finally man.'" I looked dumbfounded.


"That makes no sense. How could we evolve into all that stuff and be like this?" I asked

"It was a theory. Meaning it was an Idea or a way of thinking. It's not true if you don't believe it is." He said smiling.

To be honest, his teeth were gleaming whiter than the moon on a sea.

He had fangs.

For the next hour and half, we read on in the text book and reviewed the questions I got wrong.

We also ended up talking a little.

Right now, we were talking about the new Kobe's.

"I'm trying to get mine in black." I said

"Eeeww, I'mtrying to get mine in blue." He said

We both burst into laughter.

He checked the time

"Shit, I gotta get to my spanish tutor. Some dude named Jacob Perez."He shrugged

My eyes widened.

"I'm Jacob Perez." I said

A smile crept on my face



So cliche.

We are each others tutors

This dude is actually pretty cool.

When I'm around him, I feel so bubbly and giggly.

He's actually a cute male.

His smile is to die for, his eyes and little mustache is so adorable.

"Let's start with something simple." He cleared his throat

" Su nombre es Chresanto. mi nombre es Jacob. Vamos a ser los mejores amigos."

I looked so dumbfounded.

"What in the fuck did you just say?" I asked.

He put his head down.

"Your name is Chresanto. My name is Jacob. We are going to be best friends." He said, obviously frustrated.

I put my hands up in a surrender position

"It's not my fault Ion know what you saying." I said

His face brightened.

"That's why I'm here." He smiled

I stood up and by his side, starting to kiss the side of his neck.

He immediately tensed up.

"Your skin is so lucious." I whispered in his ear

His eyes widened

"I should go." Jacob said, obviously uncomfortable.

He grabbed his bookbag and crutches and prepared to walk off.

I smirked.

"Luscious... That's his new nickname."

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