One- It's A lie

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4 years earlier....


Same shit everyday. Same old teacher talking about his sad, lonely life when he's supposed to be teaching us about science. Shit, nobody wants to hear about how his wife died, nobody wants to hear how he no longer plays the piano and certainly no one cares about how he can't find the perfect date. about 98% of us all are in relationships.

I looked around me, noticing everyone was either on their phones,sleep or not even paying attention. I know I was doing all three.

"Hey baby."

She texted to me. I looked behind and noticed my girlfriend, smiling.

I recieved another text message, a video

"I've been a naughty girl daddy ;)."

I bit my lip,plugged in my earphones and pressed play.

I watched as her hand moved in between her p-


Already time for the next class. I wiped imaginary sweat from my forehead and began gathering my things for the next class.

As I was about to walk out, something stopped me. A person acutally. The voice I felt my ears bleed when I heard. Mr.Charleston's lumpy, grumby creaky old ass voice stopped me.

"Mr.Perez, a moment?" He asked, sounding like droopy the dog.

Damn it! I let out an aggravated sigh and turned around on my heels, preparing to be lectured.

"What?" I grumbled, rudely.

He cleared his throat and showed me my latest test. I know I failed that test because

A. I wasn't listening

B. He was too busy talking about his boring life

C. I didn't even try

That test was 3 days ago, it's the past.

"Soooo what? It's my test I failed. Big deal." I rolled.

"You're right,it is a big deal.This was 65% of your science grade and since you failed, you will have to re-take my class next y-"

"NO! I refuse to re-take this class!Please, I'll do extra homework, I'll do anything just please don't make me re-take this class!" I screamed at him.

He shrugged.

"How are you going to do extra homework when you don't even finish half the homework assigned?" He asked, folding his arms.

I looked down

"My point exaclty. Maybe, just maybe, if you get tutoring from my top student, you will be able to finish your homework and pass this class." He said.

I smacked my lips.

"Fine." I mumbled.

The teacher passed me a note card and I shoved it in my pocket without even reading it. I definetely don't wanna have no damn tutor, that makes me look like a retard.

I raced to my next class:

4th period- Spanish 3

My favorite.

In this class, the teacher is a young woman named Rosa, Rosa Rodriguez. She's sexy and I'm not going to lie.She's Mexican and Black just like me, giving her nice wavy hair, carmel skin complexion and a mexican accent.

I completely admire her.I don't understand her husband at all. Everytime I see him, he starts an argument with her and it irritates the hell out of me. I want to say something so badly but I know my words won't make a difference.

As I walked into the class, I noticed Ms.Rodriguez sitting on the desk, crying.

" Por último, todo el mundo está aquí. Bien, clase tengo un anuncio, me voy a volver a casa a México. Mi mamá se está muriendo de cáncer de pulmón y el médico no sabe qué hacer. toda mi familia está de duelo."

Translation: " Finally, everyone is here. Okay,class I have an announcement, I'm leaving to go back home to Mexico. My mom is dying from lung cancer and the doctor don't know what to do. my whole family is grieving."

Ms. Rodriquez.... leaving?

" Ms.Rodriguez, eres la luz del sol para mi día."

Translation: Ms.Rodriguez, you are the sunshine to my day.

She wiped her tears and a smile crept on her face.

"You're so sweet Jacob." She said, her accent heavy.

I smiled back.

" Tengo que salir de class.I quiere que todos colaboren para la fase final."

Translation: I have to leave class.I want everyone to collaborate for the finals.

All of the girls and me shot up from our desk and ran over to Ms.Rodriguez for a hug.

After our little hug fest and her leaving, it's like she never even gave orders for collaborating. Everyone took out their phones and electronics to play on. Music blasting, Selfies, etc.

I Slumped in my chair and put my head down.

"Lord, please help me." I whispered to myself


"Oooohh girl, you know you too fine." I said, smiling at her

I passed her my weed. She tucked it between her lips and took a puff.

"Mmmmm." She moaned, blowing out smoke.

I kissed her lips quickly before taking another puff and blowing it in her face which made her smile.

We were way to high.

"I love youuuuu."She dragged

I tackled her on the ground, kissing her neck.

"I love you too angelll." I replied, licking her neck bones.

She started to giggle which made me laugh as well.

"CHRESANTO! WAKE UP!" Someone yelled in my face.

I observed my surroundings, noticing I was in the principal's office.

Right. I got here for skipping class to smoke. You can't blaim me, class is boring sometimes.

"Do you remember why you are here?" She asked, sternly

I nodded and stretched.

"Yeah. I was smoking. Big deal."

She chuckled

"Ya damn right it's a big deal! You're failing spanish and the finals is next month. Plus, you're skipping class to smoke on school property,which is against the law and against school rules. I'm sorry but I''m going to have to expe-(GCO)

"Please don't expell me! Look, Maybe I can do some extra assignments to bring my grades up." I said.

She folded her arms.

"You don't even do the assignments given. How will you possibly manage to do extra? She asked

I shrugged.

"Maybe if you can get tutoring from the Top student in spanish, you can pass." She said, taking out a notecard and writing something down.

She handed it to me and my whole face lit up.

"Thank you, thank you soo much!" I shot up from my chair and gave her a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

She smiled.

"I'll let that slide because you're kinda cute."

I let go and ran out the door.

If you ever hear about me failing spanish, it's a lie.

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