The Truth

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The Phantom's POV
As I showed Gustave my theme park I noticed how interested he was in the freaks and different things a normal child would be afraid of.
"Gustave would you like to see something special? A place only very important people can go?"
He nodded excited.
I held his hand and walked with him down to my lair. My new home to compose music and well before yesterday, cry and let my pain go from losing Christine again.
"What is this place?"
"This is my home. My domain."
He nodded and looked around. His eyes fell upon my organ.
"May I?"
"Do you play?"
I asked intrigued, why would Raoul let his son play the piano when he doesn't even let Christine sing?
As he started to play a few keys I noticed it was the melody of my new aria.
"What's this?"
"Just a song in my head."
"Go on.."
"I think it's beautiful. Hear how each not seems  to float, hear how they all rise and fall just like the night."
He plays like me! How can this happen? No! It's not possible!
"Sing! Sing for me!"
As he sang I was entranced at how alike he was to me.
"Come with me.
Have you ever yearned to go
Past the world you think you know?
Been enthralled to the call
Of the beauty underneath?
Have you let it draw you in
Past the place where dreams begin?
Felt the full breathless pull
Of the beauty underneath?
When the dark unfolds its wings
Do you sense the strangest things?
Things no one would ever guess
Things mere words cannot express?
Do you find yourself beguiled
By the dangerous and wild?
Do you feed on the need
For the beauty underneath?
Have you felt your senses surge
And surrendered to the urge?
Have been hooked as you looked at the
At the beauty underneath?
When you stare behind the night
Can you glimpse its primal might?
Might you hunger to possess
Hunger that you can't repress?
It seems so beautiful
So strange yet beautiful
Everything's just as you say
And he's so beautiful
Perhaps too beautiful
What I suspect cannot be
And yet somehow, we both see
The very same way
Is the music in your head
Have you followed where it led?
And been graced with a taste
Of the beauty underneath?
Does it fill your every sense
Is it terribly intense?
Tell me you need it too
Need the beauty underneath
When it lifts its voice and sings
Don't you feel amazing things?
Things you know you can't confess
Things you thirst for nonetheless
It all so beautiful
Can it be?
Almost too beautiful
Do you see what I see?
To him it's beautiful
My world is beautiful
How can this be what it seems?
All of my most secret dreams
Somehow set free."

"Gustave! Gustave!"
Christine called from another room.
I held Gustave's hand and walked with him.
"O Gustave there you are, how was your trip with Mr. Y?"
I looked at her intently, I need answers now.
"It was wonderful mother!"
"That sounds amazing.."
She noticed my intense stare.
"Christine Do you mind if we talk.. alone."
She nodded.
"Gustave go with Madam Giry back to the Opera House. I'll be there as soon as possible Alright."
After Madam Giry and Gustave left I walked closer to her.

"What are you hiding from me?"
"What do you mean?"
"Don't lie to me! I want the truth right now."
I said trying to stay calm.

Christine's POV
"After you left me, I married Raoul. After a few weeks I found out I was pregnant. And it was your child."
His eyes grew wide and he put his hand to his chest. I rushed over to him as he started to cry.
"Forgive me, I wasn't there to help you. Instead I left you with that drunken fool."
"I already forgave you."
He hugged me tightly.
"Does he know?"
"Yes. I told him this morning after he asked where Raoul was."
"How did he react?"
I looked at Erik in his golden eyes.
"He was thrilled."
He cried more and hugged me tighter.
"I don't deserve this much love."
"Yes you do."
"No I can't.."
I cut him off by kissing him deeply.
After I pulled away he looked at me stunned like our first kiss.
"Don't doubt this Love. I love you and so does your son."
He smiled.
"How did I get so lucky to have you?"
"You showed me the beauty underneath."

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