April 26, 1905

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Another day away from who I really love. It's been ten years and I still haven't gotten over my Angel. My mind tells me to wake up face the music and be done with him because he's gone, but my heart tells me to listen to the music that says he's going to come for you and your child.

I've been suffering in this Mansion since my son was born. Every day I put on a brave face for my son to help him and have fun, but when Raoul comes home I have to hide my child if he smells of whisky. Some times Raoul comes home with out a drink but since he's been laid off it probably won't happen for another, as he says "few months." I've been mainly providing for our family. True it's been small performances now and then but they bring in enough money to help our family.

I've missed Meg and Madam Giry. After my kidnapping they haven't been seen. It would have been wonderful to have Gustave grow up with a grandmother but I guess our little family will do.

Tonight I'm sitting alone in the study as usual for my nightly routine, when Raoul comes in.
"Hello darling." I smile.
"There's a letter for you." He says softly handing me a note addressed to me from a Mr. Hammerstein in Manhattan, New York.

"Dear Christine DeChanty,
I have seen many of your brilliant performances in Paris, I was writing to you to ask if you would do the honor of Performing for the opening of my new Manhattan opera house here in New York. I believe your talent will blow away the audiences of America and you will become a queen here. Please if you are interested write back as soon as possible.
Mr. Hammerstein."

"O Raoul isn't this wonderful! Let's take this job!"
"Why Christine? I told you I'll get a new job then you can stop your preforming."
"Darling we are barley surviving on what my last performance salary was. If we don't do something quick then I don't know how we will be able to afford food and clothing for Gustave."
My last performance was a month ago but the reason our money is running low is because last night Raoul was drunk and gambled it.
"Alright but only for the money, after the performance we are coming home and I will find a job."
"Thank you Raoul."
I hugged him gently and kissed his cheek.
America I've heard such wonderful things! Somehow it's always been calling to me, just like my Angel..
Stop it Christine, Wake up he's gone and is living his own life now. He's probably already forgotten about me...

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