Chapter 13

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I saw Thomas' motorcycle so I parked mine next to his and took my helmet off. I run my fingers through my hair to take away the strands that were dangling on my face.

I walked into the park to see Thomas who's waving at me when he saw me. I waved back and sat beside him on the grass.

We lay down and gaze upon the clouds.


"Are you still going on the game on Saturday?" He asked. I furrowed my brows and looked at him, "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Nothing, I was just wondering." He replied. I shrugged it off and said, "okay."

The next hours were just us asking basic questions to one another, such as: 'what's your favorite color?', 'When's your birthday?' Etc.

I answered each and every question honestly. Until one. This one question of his made my breath hitched.

"Is this'dark sided you' Winnie was asking about true?"

From that moment I froze in place and held my breath. I didn't know what to say. What I know is that dark side was lowkey true, I never said anything about it to people because I'm scared. I'm scared of people to know and then they ditch me the next day, I'm scared to witness them talking behind my back, I never trust them.

Will you, Thomas, leave me when I tell you it's true?

"Wait, it's true?" Thomas snapped me out of my gaze. I realized I said it to him out loud, not mentally. "I-I.." I couldn't finish my sentence, I sighed and just nodded. From then on I just made a run for it, leaving him there.

I sit down on my motorbike and quickly inserted the key in to start it as I see Thomas from the distance who is running towards me. And that's when I drove away from him.

I was riding on the road, I look at my side mirror to Thomas following me behind.

I was riding on the road, I look at my side mirror to Thomas following me behind

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I drove faster then arrived into the parking lot of the Uni. I turned the vespa off as I parked it. Thomas arrived and stopped beside mine. I got off of the motorbike, paced away whilst taking my helmet of as Thomas was parking his.

I was clearly not fast enough to get away from him when he stopped me by blocking my way. So I take the other way but blocked me again. He is practically blocking me every step of the way.

I groaned in frustration, "what do you want?!" I spat out to him, my hands are starting to clench into fists. "I just want you to trust me and be the one who you can tell me all of your problems so I can be your shoulder to cry on! Is it that hard?!" He shot back. My face softened and my hands unclenched "I've been trying to trust you, but it's hard, alright? It's shucking hard!" My voice is beginning to crack and shake. "It's not easy pull up my sleeve to show this to anyone!" I pulled up my right sleeve to show the old and new scars to Thomas, "I have quitted the habit but when something triggers me, a flash of adrenaline comes into me then before I knew it, BAM! There's fresh new cuts! It's not easy to pull myself together whenever I want to hurt someone when they just ditch me and fill me up with hatred so I just hurt myself! It isn't easy to realize that people would just abandon someone like me!" I finished.

Soon enough, tears trickled down my cheeks, sniffles and sobs came out of my throat. Then, Thomas pulled me into a comforting hug. I didn't hug back, I just rested my head on his chest and continued crying. He rubs my back in circles and coo comforting words into my ears.

I'm beginning to soak his shirt so I pulled away. I wiped the remaining tears. "I won't leave you, okay? It doesn't matter what people think. What does matter is that you are living in a world with the four people who love you, you just can't feel it. Alright?" I looked from his eyes to the ground and nodded.

"And as for these scars," he gently pulled my right wrist and looked at the permanent marks, "you have to stop adding some." He finished.

I sighed, "Can we walk and talk? Because I can't stand in the middle of a parking lot anymore." He chuckled and motioned me to go ahead. I started to walk and keep on ranting, "How will I suppose to do that? I mean if I stop then I would probably hurt the ones who have been making me furious. I can't handle it. Nobody cares. I need help..."

I kept on rambling and ranting until we are halfway to my dorm. Thomas face me to him and held my shoulders so we can make eye contact to each other, "Y/N, I care about you. I'm going to help you, alright? So starting from tomorrow, you'll stay close to me." He said. I sighed and nodded, "alright Tommy, see ya tomorrow." I begin to part away from Thomas but he stopped me, "Wait." He called out. I turn around to see him holding up his palm to me, looking like he wants me to hand something to him like a mother who wants to confiscate her kid's phone.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Giving him the 'what do you want from me' look. "I know you have your blade there, so give it." He demanded. I groaned and grabbed the blade in my bag. I handed it to him. "Now close your eyes." He probably doesn't want me to know where he will throw it away. I rolled my eyes and close them tightly.

I hear him grunt and I feel his arm throw it as a weak wind fanned over me. "Can I open them now?" I impatiently asked. I heard him chuckle and felt a kiss that is as light as a feather on my cheek. I slightly smiled with my eyes still closed.

From then on he didn't answered. I begin to frown and flutter my eyes open to see him from afar, walking away. "You bloody shuckfaced celebrity!" I playfully shouted. "See you tomorrow, Y/N!" He loudly replied back.

He was still walking so I decided to run to him. I got near behind him and playfully shoved his head. "Hey!"

I quickly ran back to my dorm with him chasing me. I looked back at him who's just right behind me, running. I returned my gaze back at the front while laughing.

I arrived at my safe place which is the dorm and unlocked the door. I opened it and entered, "see you tomorrow Tommy!" I said as I closed the door. I sneak and peak to see him walking out. I opened the door again to return a light kiss on his cheek and rushed back into the dormitory.

Thomas' POV

I flashed a cheeky grin as she closed the door, I shoved my hands in my pockets and head to my own dorm. With the grin not leaving my face.

It was still 8:15 pm and I was already tired. So I changed my clothes and get into my bed. I stared and the ceiling for a moment and closed my eyes to fall asleep.

That's What you Get.. (Thomas Brodie Sangster x reader) »COMPLETED«Where stories live. Discover now