Chapter 12

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I woke up with the sound of my alarm. I sit up and rubbed my eyes to put the heaviness of my eyelids away. I turned off the annoying object that wakes you up at 5:00 in the morning and get out of bed.

I stretched my limbs causing to make a hint of cracking sounds of my bones, grabbed my towel, and head to take shower.

I got out and picked some clothes. I decided to wear my Maze Runner t-shirt that says: Newt, a5, the glue. Some skinny jeans and white converse shoes. I put it on and fix the wrinkles of my shirt. That when I realized that my scars are coming into view. So I rummage through a small drawer to get bracelets to cover it along with the bracelet my mum gave me.

 So I rummage through a small drawer to get bracelets to cover it along with the bracelet my mum gave me

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(The top part of the bracelet is the bracelet that was given to you.)

"Whoa, Y/N, is that really you? I haven't seen you where a t-shirt before." Stella exclaimed. I chuckled and said, "Well, I decided to wear a tee for a change." The both of us giggled. "Now come on, we don't want to be late for school now, do we?" I stated. She nodded and head to her dresser to get dressed.


"Well that's a change! She usually wears hoodies and sweaters, now she where t-shirts!" Dylan exclaimed as they see me. I put up a smile and shrugged, "ehh, I want to wear something different." I said. "Well, you should wear more of these, it suits you." Thomas suggested. I looked at him to see him smiling at me. I returned the grin and continued talking about random things since we were 40 minutes early.

Soon, the corridors are filling up with more students. We were still debating on which Harry Potter character is the best when we still have 20 minutes left.

"Well, well, well," until Winnie showed up. "Look who decided to share some skin and try to fit in," I rolled my eyes at her, If glares could kill, I would've done it in the first place.I looked at my friends and said, "you guys go ahead, I'll take care of this slinthead." They nodded and left. I then returned my attention to Winnie, "I'm sorry, but is there a dress code that says: 'Y/N Y/L/N should just wear long-sleeved shirts and hoodies'?" I sarcastically asked as I crossed my arms. "Listen to me, psycho, just because you were known for what you called 'music', doesn't mean they're impressed by your work." She retorted as she started to walk away. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "Just because you're beautiful doesn't mean you aren't a bloody twat." I mumbled, trying not to let her hear it.

But of course she heard it, "what did you just say to me?" She asked as she turned around to face me with fury in her face. "Nothing, nothing, not a thing!" I exclaimed as I turned around to head to my class, "you twat." I quietly finished. I wasn't in the mood to have a bruise on my face.

I entered the classroom to see Stella and the others staring at me with concerned eyes. "Don't worry guys," I paused and spread my arms for them to look for any bruises or cuts, "no harm done." I finished. They sighed in relief as I take my seat. We begin to talk about random things again until the teacher, Mr Rickman, arrived and started the class.

~time skip~

Third person POV

After 4 hours of 4 class periods, the lunch bell rang, they got excited and decided to skip it and try to practice the song. So they walked through the corridors to head to the music room to rehearse the song that we're gonna play on the battle of the bands.

In the process, a girl with raven hair with a denim jacket covering most of her cheerleader top with a matching cheerleading skirt flirtily waved at The blond that was beside me and said, "Hi Thomas" in a shy, but luring way.

In the process, a girl with raven hair with a denim jacket covering most of her cheerleader top with a matching cheerleading skirt flirtily waved at The blond that was beside me and said, "Hi Thomas" in a shy, but luring way

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"H-hello." Thomas greeted back, still walking. That must be Sierra. Y/N thought. The girl was out of view as they went further into the staircase that leads them to the basement.

While they're taking steps on the staircase, the Y/H/C haired girl asked a question, "So," the four of them turned their attention to Y/N, "is that girl Sierra?" She finished. "Yeah, why?" Dylan asked.

Y/N shakes her head vigorously,
"N-Nothing, just wondering." She said it like nothing is bothering her as they reached the end of the stairs. Thomas noticed that she was uncomfortable as he looked into her eyes, but he shrugged it off as the Y/E/C eyed girl picked up her pace.

They entered the room of music and grabbed the instruments. They positioned themselves. "Alright follow mine and Stella's lead." The two of the girls played the riff by their guitars. Then they follow along.

Soon, Y/N put on the words:

Here comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right..

Stella played the second riff and then they continued until lunch time is over.

~time skip~

Your POV

The other 4 hours of school had been done, we've been practicing until our hands are tired from playing, and now we're cleaning up.

We grabbed our stuff, we're ready to go and rest. Someone tapped my shoulder behind. I turned around to see the brown orbs of Thomas. "Oh hey." I greeted. "Hi, do you wanna hang at the park until 5:30?" He asked. I sent him a smile and said, "sure," I accepted because I want to take a small cruise and I wanna take pictures of the weather... and maybe I also want to hang with him.

"Let me just grab my jacket, gloves, helmet and my vespa. I'll meet ya at the park" He nodded and we left the room.

Stella and I entered our dorm. "I'm gonna hang with Thomas." I let Stella know as I put on my leathers jacket and leather fingerless gloves. "Okay, have fun, love birds!" I rolled my eyes annoyingly and grabbed my keys and helmet. I opened the door, "I'll be back in 5:30." I said as I exited the room. I closed the door and head to where my Vespa is parked.

I started the motorbike and drove away to the bushy park.  


That's What you Get.. (Thomas Brodie Sangster x reader) »COMPLETED«حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن