Chapter 2

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~One month later~

After a month of making myself miserable, I got a new roommate named Stella Yamada. She's pretty cool actually, though I still won't trust, care, or love anyone. She loves music, like me. She's kinda like me, but a bit more of an extroverted person.

I tried quit the habit of putting scratches and scars on my wrist the past month but didn't let Stella know about my past. I tried to quit by just writing it all off in my Marauder's map designed notebook. (Looks like that↑↑)


Another boring day in this boring University. I never listen to the teacher's lesson actually, I just listen to music with my earphones that's hidden under my hair and hoodie.

When it comes to exams, I just grab the textbook and read the chapters that I have to study.

I entered the class with the music blaring loudly into my ears as I take a seat at the back, where no teachers can notice me and ask a question. "Morning class.." our teacher, Mr Rickman, said. All of them, including Stella, greeted back. "Alright, get your textbooks and turn to page 394." Mr Rickman ordered. We grabbed our books and turned to the page, "Our next topic is..." The teacher continued to talk as I zone out into my own little world.
During in class, I just write things that would pop up into my head but I wouldn't read it. Sometimes I would just doodle or draw whatever image comes into my mind. Yes, this is how numb I-

"Ms. Y/L/N." I heard my teacher called me, good thing I can still hear him even if the music has enveloped me. I looked up to see Mr Rickman, towering over me. "Tell me, what is a vertex?" He asked. I've been reading this since I was 14, I sighed and answered the question, "A vertex is the maximum or minimum point of the parabola." "Correct. Now from the vertex form of the quadratic function..." he continued the class and I continued doodling.

~time skip~

I walk out of the classroom as I hear the bell rang. I have a free period today so I walk to the bleachers by the soccer field and read 'The maze runner' for the 6th time while singing along to the song I'm listening, 'Jet lag' by Simple plan.

"You say good morning when its midnight
Going out of my head alone in this bed
I wake up to the sunset
And it's driving me mad, I miss you so bad.

And my

heart, heart, heart is so jet lagged (3x)..."

"You have a really cool voice you know." Stella startled me as I hear her comment. I rolled my eyes and said, "whatever."

I stand up, leaving her in the bleachers and head to my next class, Economics. I sit in the back and write these words that come up into my head to my notebook, waiting for a crowd of students and the teacher to arrive.

"Whatcha writing there, psycho?" I hear Winnie, the popular, mean, ginger girl (sorry if you're a ginger) in the University talk. I sigh and looked at her, "I'm writing words and sentences, slinthead. What am I supposed to write? Shapes and lines?" I sarcastically said. As you can see, this feeling that I have greeted as an old friend last month changed me, making me sassy and cold to others. She suddenly threw her fist on my cheek. I got used to it since I get this everyday from her. She then turn around and flipped her hair on my face and took a seat.

Soon enough, our teacher, Mrs Parker, came in, "Alright class, get your notebooks and write these concept notes that I'm going to write on the board. And you're free to go." This is the best teacher ever. She hardly give us any activities, unlike other teachers, she lets us out after we do what she told us to do.

She writes down the concept notes as we follow her lead and write it on our notebooks. I can feel my cheek having a bruise by the stinging sensation I'm having on the left part of my face.


I get my lunch that brought and head to the bleachers.

"Y/N!!" I hear Stella shout my name. I can see her flailing and waving her arm at me as she sits with her friends under the bleachers.

I walk towards them and sit down on the grass beside the blonde boy. "Y/N, this is Dylan, Kaya and Thomas. Guys, meet Y/N." She Introduced me to them. I just smiled at them and shook their hands. I didn't know that I was staring at the boy beside me, Thomas. "Hey, Y/N, what happen to your cheek??" A kid named Dylan snapped me back into reality, "Oh this?" I pointed on my left cheek, where Winnie made a bruise, "Let's just say that a ginger punched me for no reason, don't worry, I'm used to it, just let it go. Alright?" I finished and they all nodded. I realized that I forgot to get a drink. "I'm just gonna head to the vending machine to buy some water." I said to Stella, she nodded in understanding.

I returned with the water bottle in my hand. I sit down quietly and listen to 'I write sins not tragedies' by Panic! At the disco. I turned up the volume and write something on my notebook while they chatter away.

Once again, I was disturbed when someone tapped on my left shoulder. I sighed and looked at Thomas, "May I help you?" I asked. "I was just wondering, what are you writing?" Thomas asked. "I-I don't know, poems maybe?" I answered. The truth is, I don't really know what am I writing, I just let my hand write sentences that I didn't know it was up in my head. He furrowed his eyebrows, "You mean you don't know what were you writing the whole time?" He questioned, I just shrugged, "There's just these sentences that are forming up in my head, I just write it down whenever I'm bored, I never read any of it though." Said to him. "Can I read them?" He asked. I usually never let people read it, but my body says that I should let him read it. So I handed him my notebook and let him read it.

"Y/N, these aren't just sentences or poems," the group turn their attention to us, "it's song lyrics." Thomas finished.

Song lyrics?

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