First Stage

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Title: DAST: First Stage

Pairings: Harry/Louis

Rating: R (for slash themes and violence)

Word Count: 5,168

Summary: The Dog and Armed Swat Team unite to bust open one of the most active and dangerous terrorism rings in Britain. Harry finds himself uneasy at the end of the night. AU

Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction - i.e. it had never happened. All real people in this story own themselves and I am in no way affiliated with them. Nor do I make any money from writing about them

In hindsight, it probably would have been a good idea to have taken the tea out of Louis' hands first as the hot liquid began to dribble down the side onto the duvet in his lax grip. Louis' eyes were comically wide and his mouth moved up and down but it was several long seconds before any sound came out. Quickly taking the mug out of Louis' hands, Harry placed it on the night table before any more injuries occurred. His heart was beating so fast he thought it was going to pound right out his chest. He could barely meet Louis' eyes when he turned back, dreading a rejection with every fibre of his being. He felt sick and sweaty and wished Louis would hurry up and say something - even though Harry was terrified of what it might be.  

"I-if that w-was a p-proposal," Louis finally said shakily, "you o-over did the r-romance." 

Harry blinked and then blinked again. Slowly he started to grin, albeit shyly, "Um... it was more just testing the waters, to be honest," he admitted, ducking his head a little, "to find out where we stand."  

Louis frowned, "What's brought this on, Haz?" He asked, playing with the edge of the duvet, not giving his thoughts away. 

Harry bit his lip for a moment before saying, "With everything that's happened recently, I've had a bit of a wake up call and... I've had to reconsider my priorities." He sighed, "Look, it's one thing to nearly lose you on the job but to lose you to someone else because I never said anything to make you want to stay... I just... I want to know where we stand... where we're heading to. I... I know when we started this we said it was just going to be casual - a friends with benefits kind of thing - but I think it's gone way past that stage now." He swallowed thickly and shuffled closer, encouraged by Louis' calmness and close attention. "Well, it has for me anyway." And that, right there, was the most honest and heartfelt thing Harry had ever said about his view on their relationship. Judging by Louis's facial reaction it was a long overdue but welcome sentiment. 

Louis' eyes literally sparkled and Harry's stomach started doing flips. That had to be good right? Louis looking so pleased; that had to be a pretty darn good sign? Suddenly, he really wanted to kiss Louis right then. He really, really wanted to. But he stopped himself; they had to talk first. 

"Me too," Louis croaked after a moment, his gaze holding steady and true. Harry's chest tightened and a wave of emotion he'd never felt before seemed to swell up in him. Oh god - Louis had just admitted that what he felt for Harry was deeper than 'friends with benefits'. That was... that was... Harry couldn't explain find the word to describe it but he felt pleasantly achy. Suddenly Louis' smile turned sheepish and he added, in a quiet voice, "I probably went past that stage six months in when I cancelled that date with Rachel just to shag you on the kitchen table." 

Harry raised eyebrow, recalling that night perfectly, "I'm sure you said she'd cancelled on you? Something about her mother being ill...?" 

"That is what I said..." Louis replied, biting his lip, his cheeks going a little red. 

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