Chapter 32

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A/N: Omg Living with Him has 10k reads! I love you guys so much! thank you for all love and support.

I'm making this chapter extra long for you guys. ( Hope you guys enjoy! )



It has been an hour since we left. It was complete silence in the car. No one was saying anything except Junkook. He was trying to make conversations, but I was the only person to ever respond. He eventually gave up after 30 minutes and started playing his game on his phone.

RM was focusing on the road, silent the whole time. While V was either texting somone or sleeping.

Sighing I turned on my music and polged my earbuds in. I evtually started getting lseepy and fell asleep.

"Jin, Jin.. get up.. Get off of me you baby" Jungkook said shaking his shoulder. I lifted my head up slowly adfjustiing to the light coming through the window. I looked around to see V and Rm not in the car. I looked at Jungkook who was silently brushing himself off.

"What happned? where are we?" I asked sleepily, rubbing my eyes.

"The tire popped. But you woulnt know since you were sleeping on my shoulder the whole time" Junkook said.

"oh, um sorry about that." I said giving him a small smile.

"haha I'm kidding, I didn't mind it. But lets go see what there doing." Jungkook said while opening his car door.

Following him, I got out of the car and walked towards them.

"How'd the tire pop?" Jungkook asked.

"I have no idea, we probably ran over some glass or something" RM said inspecting the popped tire.

"Well just put on a new tire" Jungkook said.

"We don't have an extra you shit head. If we did, then we would have been gone 10 minutes ago." V said harshly.

"Jeez okay calm down" Jungkook said quietly.

"Why don't we call the others?" I murmured

"We did, they aren't picking up" RM answered.

"Fuck what do we do?" Jungkook said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Okay lets do this, The two of us should stay here with the car. While the other two should walk back to a convince store. I saw one back while driving." RM said.

"Okay lets do that" I said.

"Jin and I will stay here." V said looking up at me.

Flustered I looked away, my cheeks turning red.

"Then Rm and I will go to the convivence store, they might have an extra tire." Jungkook said.

"But-t" Rm stuttered looking back and forth between V and I

"Oh come on" Jungkook said pulling him.

"Make sure to call" I yelled waving at them.

"We will" Jungkook yelled back.


Its been an hour since they left. V and I were just sitting in the car. Him in the drivers seat and me in the passenger seat. It was so silent. I didn't know what to do since my phone was dead. I awkwardly sat there looking out the window.

While V was constantly texting someone.

"uh who are you texting?" I said quietly, trying to make conversation.

"My girlfriend" he answered.

"oh, I didn't know you had one" I said softly.

"Yeah we just got together" V said casually.

"Why does it bother you?" V asked staring at me.

"what-t? no of course n-not" I stuttered, turning red.

"okay whatever you say" V said going back to texting his girlfriend.

Sighing I leaned back into the seat and closed my eyes.


"Hey, get up there back" V said nudging me.

Sighing I got up and got out of the car.

"The guy had one last tire left, and he actually gave it to us" Jungkook said wiping of the sweat on his forehead.

"Yeah but we had to carry that piece of shit up this damn hill" RM said sitting on the floor.

"you guys are probably tired, go in the car, you guys should rest." I said helping RM up.

"Thanks baby" RM said winking at me. Giving him a small smile back I glanced over at V, who was glaring at RM.

"Um-m lets put the tire on" I said nervously.

V scoffed and glared at me, before going to the tire.


We eventually left and this time V started driving. RM and Jungkook were in the back passed out. While I was in the front bored again.


Hope you guys enjoyed!!

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