Chapter 28

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A/N: Thank you for all of your suggestions! I will definitely keep them in mind. I will use some ideas if it goes along the story! But thank you guys so much and feel free to keep suggesting while the story goes on! Happy reading!

Since you guys requested it, I'll write this chapter in V's POV ;)

I slowly felt myself falling. I wanted to stop but I couldn't. I just let it go.



I was in my room laying on my bed, staring aimlessly at the ceiling. I was so lost in my thoughts. Why was I so moody today? Every time I saw RM and Jin together it just made me 10 times more mad. But why? Its not like I like Jin or something.

Sighing I slowly got up, still confused as ever. I was about to go to the bathroom when I heard a loud sound coming from the stairs. Confused I ran out my room and looked over the staircase railing.

All I see is Jin sprawled on the last steps of the staircase. "JIN" I yelled running down the stairs. I lifted his head up and tried shaking him. "Jin. get up. God damn it Jin, just wake up! please.." I whispered staring down at his soft angel like face.

I slowly lifted him up and ran over to the living room. I carefully laid him on the bed. I got my phone out of my pocket and quickly dialed 911. I was talking back and forth to the doctor on the phone. He gave me instructions on what to do, since it wasn't as serious so we didn't have tot go to the hospital.

Jin had fainted and he had a fever. Thanking the doctor I ended the call. I turned around to see Jin sleeping peacefully under the blankets I had covered him with. Sighing I went to the kitchen poured a glass of water. I went to the medicine cabinet and took out some pills for high fevers.

I walked back to the living room and quietly placed the water and pills on the table next to him. "He can take them when he gets up" I thought aloud.

I sat on the arm chair and pulled out my phone. I sent a text to J-Hope asking when he would get home. Sighing I looked over at Jin "this kid, what am I going to do with him" I thought.

I got a notification, I glanced at my phone to see it was J-hope.

"I'll be home in an hour" it said.

texting an okay, I turned my phone off. Focusing all my attention at Jin.


I heard the front door unlock, "Hey guys I'm home!" J-hope shouted

"SHUT UP" I whispered yelled running up to him, and covering his mouth.

"Huh what's wrong? why are you whispering?" J-hope asked confusion showed on his face.

"Jin fainted a while ago, he's sleeping in the living room. Don't disturb him, let him sleep" I whispered.

"Wait what?! Why did Jin faint? Is he alright?" J-hope asked worriedly walking towards the living room.

"SHHH and yeah he's fine now. The doctor said he could have fainted due to stress or his fever." I replied following him.

J-hope quietly crouched down beside Jin and looked at his face. "Poor Jin, I hope he feels better" J-hope said pouting, while stroking Jin's black hair.

I don't know what got into me but the second J-hope's hand touched Jin's hair I started getting mad. "Stop it" I said lowly.

"Stop what?" J-hope said still stroking Jin's hair.

"Stop touching his god damn hair" I yelled while walking over to him and yanking his hand away.

"Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you man?" J-hope asked shocked by my outburst.

"Nothing, just don't touch him" I growled

"Ouuuu jealous much?" J-hop asked smirking at me

"Fuck off" I said kneeling down and stroking his soft precious hair.

"I'll take that as a yes" J-hope said still smirking


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! make sure to!

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