Chapter 6 *edited

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I get everything out of my suitcase and start hanging my clothes. I put my shoes on the rack inside of my closet. I hang up my sweaters and shirts. I fold my jeans and my sweatpants.

I stand there admiring my work. I kneel down to zip my suitcase. Before I even touched the suitcase my door brusted open. Walked in V and he looked mad as fuck.

"Let me straight things out pretty boy" he said while slamming me against the wall.

"u-um what d-do you mean?" I asked quietly while staring at him. I could feel his breath fanning my face.

"This is my house, so my god damn rules. You must never leave your room when my friends are over. I don't need them to know that I'm going to be living with you for the next 8 months. Secondly if you dare say anything about what I do to you, to your parents your dead. Third, don't bother me and don't try talking to me. Lastly, just because we live in the same house now doesn't mean we're friends you bitch." He said intensely while glaring at me.

"O-okay I understand. But er.. V can you get off of me" I stammered.

He slowly backed off and stormed out of the room looking flustered?

Omg what am I going to do. The next 8 months is going to be complete hell.

After an hour, I heard a knock on my door. I slowly got up from my bed to open the door. There was J-hope smiling at me.

"Hey, dinners ready!" he said brightly.

"ugh great I'm famished" I said while smiling back.

"Well then we need to get you some food now don't we?" He said while taking ahold of my hand and leading to the kitchen.

"Well I made spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread" J-hope said while filling my plate up.

"omg it looks so good!" I said excitingly.

He laughed and gave me my plate. "Go sit in the dining room, I'll get us some water." He said while turning on the tap.

"oh okay" I said while walking towards the dining room.

I entered the room and saw V already eating his dinner, while scrolling through his phone. I slowly made my way to sit in the seat farthest away from him. Trying not to make a sound.  I quietly sat down, hoping that J-hope would come fast.

V looked up and stared at me before giving me a glare. I sighed quietly and looked down trying to avoid his gaze. "Why does he hate me so much?" I thought.

"Here you go Jin" J-hope said while handing me my water. "Aw thank you J-Hope" I said gratefully. "No problem" J-hope said while sitting down on the seat on my right.

"So Jin tell me about yourself, since I barely know anything about you." J-hope asked while chewing his garlic bread.

"Um well what do you want to know?" I asked.

"What do you like to do in your spare time?"

"Well I like to read and draw. Along with singing sometimes. What about you?" I asked quietly.

"Well I either workout or sleep or go out with my boyfriend" he said.

"Oh how long have you been going out with him?" I asked intrigued.

"Its been 3 years and 4 months" he said while smiling.

"What about you? Dating anyone? Or like someone?" He asked while smirking.

"um-m maybe?" I said while blushing.

"OMG WHO?!" J-hope asked excitingly.

"not telling" I said while laughing a bit.

"Awh cmon" J-hope said pouting

Laughing I glance over at V and he seems to look pissed off?



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