Chapter 1

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Christina's POV

Hello my name is Christina and I'm 12 years old. I have brown hair and dark brown eyes. I love Arizona, pizza, beanies, penny-boards and makeup. I love watching youtube and my favorite youtubers are Bethany Mota and Connor Franta. You might be thinking i am a normal girl but no i live in an orphanage since i was little. I don't have many friends here but its ok cause i have a phone.

Connor's POV

Bethany and i wanted to adopt a girl who is 12-13 years old. So we went to the orphanage.

"Hello im here to adopt a girl" i said

"What ages?" The woman said

"12-13" bethany said. I could tell she was exided

"I will go line them up for you" the woman said

We see all the girls in a line. And at the end i see a girl i think i want so i walk over to her.

Christina's POV

Adoption day is the worst cause i never get adopted. So i go and get in the line and wait. But that is when i see its CONNOR AND BETHANY!!!

Connor and Beth walk over to me.

"What is your name?" Beth asks

"Christina" i say

"What do you like" Connor asks

"I like Arizona, pizza, beanies, penny-boards and makeup." I say

"YOUR PERFECT" bethany shouts

"I think so too" Connor says

"Did you now I'm a big fan" i say

"We will come here later beacause we have to sign the papers but start packing up"

"OMG thank you see you later!" I practicaly shouted

Beth's POV

Im so happy we found a girl she perfect she likes makeup like me and loves everything that connor loves she is so sweet.

I walked over to her room and see her packing she only has a couple of big shirts and jeans.

"We totally have to go shopping" i said

"Ok" she said

"Lets go home" i said

We went to the car and Connor took her bags

When we got to the house i showed her the house. I could tell she loved it.

Christina's POV

The room was huge and the walls were white but has pink dots. In my bed there was a gift bag. I opened it it had a new iphone, vidcon passes and a computer.


"Its nothing" Connor said

"Well its getting late and its a long day tomorrow cause your going shopping with me" beth said

"Kay" good night

"Goodnight" they said in together

I felt loved.

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