Chapter 5- My plans always suck...

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ELLO ELLO ELLO!! I'm baccckkkk! And here is chapter 5, hope you love it... I may be updating sooner for the next chapter because I was stuck in my room for ages yesterday.... These work men came and I was too scared to leave my room, so I just sat in my bed feeling hungy and writing!!! HAHA!

I will shut up now...;) xx


Chapter 5- My plans always suck


"Brooke, honey, we have to go!" Lilly called over the intercom,

"Okay! Coming!" I buzzed back

I sighed and pushed my un-realistically large, goofy glasses higher up my nose and re-arranged the random books I had picked up, under my arm. Oh dear, I look nothing like a nerd! My head already hurt from my completely over-tight ballet bun that had millions of pins, to try and keep my curls in place.

Oh geez, I had never been a good actress, after that one performance of Aladdin in Primary school my teacher had basically told me that my acting hurt her head, and the only reason I got the part was because the music teacher thought I was a good singer, but she thought I sang too loud! What was I supposed to do? No-one was singing! Oh god, why did I ever think this was going to work?

I rushed down the grand stairs and nearly tripped over my over-sized frumpy grey pair of trousers which really itched. My head was aching now, ouch.

Lilly turned to me smiling, but her lips turned into a disapproving frown when she looked at me "Brooke, why can't you just accept who you are, your a natural popular. Millions of girls would die to be in your place right now, and your, y-your THAT!" She cried in despair as we hopped in the car, and drove to the town centre, I carefully remembered the roads, just in case.

"Lilly, there would be no point in them dying to be in my place, because then they wouldn't be ALIVE. So they couldn't be able to appreciate being 'lucky enough to be me.'" I defended myself, "Plus, if I don't pull it off, then I lose 5000 dollars, well I don't mind the money, but Calvin being right? Oh my god." I winced the image of his smug face.

"Brooke. I am telling you now. There's no way in hell it's gonna work. Your a Taylor. We just aren't like... THAT." She pulled a disgusted face at my black, baggy blouse.

"Please Lilly-" I started, but she interrupted

"Yeah, yeah... I'll go along with your little plan" She muttered, "But good luck with it working... Since you already seduced the hottest guy in Copeland" She raised her eyebrows smugly

"What? When did I seduce anyone?" I was genuinely baffled.

"Don't act so innocent missy, I saw you and Blake Williams on the beach this morning, getting all cosy cosy with each other. There's no way you'll pull this off. Now that he's head over heels for you, it's like those cliche books,

She spoke in one of those really deep movie trailer voices "Meet Blake Williams, the hottest guy in the world, also the biggest player in the world. Now meet Brooke Taylor, just a sweet caring girl, who happens to be the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. When Brooke comes to Copeland, she changes Blake and they fall in love..... Dun dun dun!!!!" She bursted out laughing, nearly swerved into a lamp post

I scoffed loudly, practically chocking myself "1. He has a girlfriend. 2. There's no way in hell I would ever like him. 3. We were not getting cosy AT ALL. And 4. Who goes round doing that weird movie trailer thing Lilly? You weirdo!"

I sighed, and looked out the window. I planned to not listen to a word she said.


Vanilla Spice, 2 sugarsWhere stories live. Discover now