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moments after I told you 'duh'

you lead me away to this are in the woods.

I know the woods seemed like a 'trashy place'

but it was beautiful.

You were beautiful.

I don't know why I did it.

but I let you touch me

in places I never thought I would.

I trusted you

but I don't know if I still should...

we had sex.

or as you refer 'made love'

I remember your face as we started

it was like you found a piece of heaven.

and i wanted you to have me,





if I gave you that.

through all the jokes of a "cockblock"

by way of my bathing suit

I gave you that small piece of ecstasy that I could spare.

I gave you what I gave no other.

I gave you a cherished part of me.

but you have no clue how cherished it was by me.

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