Chapter 4

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==> Be Dirk Strider

You wake up in the hospital, Jake by your side.

"Dirk!" He exclaims, getting up to hug you as soon as he sees your eyes open. You wince as he touches your wounds, but allow him to hug you. "I came as soon as I heard the news! Your brother says you got in a fight with some thugs, and he found you like this!!"

"Oh, hey Jake. Sorry I didn't contact you or anything-" You say, looking down at the hospital bed. The cover story Bro used was pretty accurate, if you considered him "some thugs".

"How are you feeling, Dirk? Did you give them a good fight?" Jake asks, clearly interested in your adventure.

"I... Yeah Jake, I did," you say, attempting a smile. "Hey, how long will I be here for?" You ask, looking around. Bro doesn't seem to be in the room, so you're safe.

"The doctor said a few days. They really took a number on you! But, Dirk, she did mention that you... Had wounds that seemed already partly healed? Is everything ok?" Jake asks, looking at you with worry.

It breaks your heart that you can't tell him what's wrong.

"I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding, Jake. I'll be fine." You say, hoping he doesn't notice how your voice became softer.

"If you're sure, Dirk..." He backs off, sitting down in the chair next to you. "You know that if there's anything bothering you, you can tell me, Strider. I'm here for you and your stubborn ass." He says, getting a laugh out of you. God, have you missed his laugh.

"Yeah yeah Jake, I know. You never let me hear the end of it and how stubborn I am," you hope to lighten the mood even further. Jake smiles at you, planting a kiss lightly on your forehead.

"I love you, Dirk." He says, getting up. "Sadly, I will have to cut this visit short since Jane wanted me to help her with some things, but I'll be back later!" He takes your hand in his, kissing your fingertips.

"I love you too, Jake." You say, grasping his hand in yours before he gently removes it. "I'll see you later."

You watch as he leaves you alone, letting yourself fall back asleep. It's dreamless, which is how you like it, and you allow your mind to wander.

A few hours later, you wake up to bright pink eyes staring back at you.
"Dirky!" She says, and you nearly jump back in surprise.

"Roxy- Oh my god Roxy you nearly scared the shit out of me!" You protest as she examines your injuries.

"It's my job, Dirky. You know this plenty well. Anyways, care to explain to me where you got these cuts and bruises? And don't throw your "thug" bullshit at me, you and I both know I see right through your lies." She wags a finger at you as if to scold you, and you let out a laugh.

"Yeah Roxy, I am plenty aware of how well you can read me. Take a guess, if you'd like." You're always surprised of how well she can call your lies. Definitely much better than Jake, at the least.

"Hmm... Well, my first guess is Bro, because isn't he known for doing that shit to you?" Roxy responds, pretending to ponder her answer.

Of course she knows that Bro has been abusing you for years. She was the first one that you ever told. Of course, you may have been drunk, since she gave you a martini and everything, but it was a very emotional night. You spilled your darkest secrets between sobs while she held you on the couch until you passed out.

"Yeah, it was Bro," you avoid her piercing gaze, shifting uncomfortably in your bed.

"Dirk, I don't get you sometimes. Why the fuck do you put up with him all the time?!" Roxy asks, her eyes narrowing like daggers.

"You already know why, Roxy..." You say, sighing. Her gaze softens, and she carefully sits down next to you.

"Yeah, I know Dirky... It's Jake, right?" She asks, placing a gentle hand on your arm. God, Roxy is like the mom you never had.

"Of course it's for Jake! If I told anyone else... I'd be taken away from Bro and... From Jake too... I can't imagine a world without him, Roxy. We've gone over this before!" You feel the tears welling up in your eyes as you speak, choking over your words. "I can't lose anyone else, Roxy..."

"I know Dirk, I know..." She holds you as close as she can to you without disturbing your medical equipment.

You hear the door to your room open, and Jake steps inside with Jane close behind him.

"Dirk! Splendid, you're still awake! I brought Jane and some get-well things!" Jake brings a bag over to you, opening it up on the chair next to you. You nod at Jane, and she raises a shy hand in hello.

You watch as Jake takes out a new pair of shades, a shiny katana, and a new laptop??

"Jake, where did you even get these things?!" You ask, eyes widening at the items. "This is too much Jake, please, I don't need this much..." You feel tears welling up in your eyes again.

"Dirk, we all pitched in to get these for you! You don't seem to have many new things, from what Roxy has told us anyway, and we wanted to surprise you!" Jake says, smiling at you.

Roxy slips the shades onto your face gently and you smile at her gratefully. She also brings the laptop to you, setting it down on your lap gently.

"We thought about a laptop since you seem to enjoy coding! We thought that you could work on some things if you want while you're here!" Roxy smiles brightly at you, and you can't help but smile back.

"Thank you, everyone. It means a lot." You feel the tears coming again, but you swallow them in the back of your throat.

The others sit down in chairs next to you despite your protests, with everyone agreeing to stay the night with you.

You can't believe you've found such amazing friends.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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