Chapter 2

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==> Be Dirk Strider

You reach school, spotting Jake right away. Last year, you asked him out on the last day of school, when everyone had already gone home. You had brought him to a park that you both liked, and sat down with him under a bench. You "popped the question", feeling utter relief and happiness when he said yes.

That was the first time you had genuinely felt happy about something since before Dave left.

Jake sees you as well, waving his hands crazily through the air. You smirk; you've really missed him over summer break.

"Hey Jake." You call out, waving back. Your wave is much more chill. Totally a Strider thing.

"Dirk!! Fancy seeing you here! How was your summer??" Jake jumps down from the top step, wrapping a tight hug around your waist. You plant a light kiss on the tip of his nose, trying not to wince in pain at the sudden pressure.

Jake's face flushes at the kiss, smiling warmly at you.

"I missed you..." You say quietly, looking away shyly. You hadn't even been able to pester Jake over summer break. You were grounded the entire time, subject to his strifing torture for three long months.

"I missed you, too, Dirk," Jake says, bringing your attention back to his face. He places a gentle kiss on your lips, taking your hand in his. "Shall we get going to our class?" He asks. Everyone had been delivered their schedule in the mail this year, so you smile at him and walk to your first class.

After school, you and Jake stand next to each other under an old oak tree at the edge of school grounds. Your arm is wrapped around his shoulder, and you hold him close to you. You don't want to let go of him.

"So, Dirk, you never did answer earlier! How was your summer?" Jake asks, smiling brightly at you. Your face darkens, and you turn away without a word.

"Dirk..?" He looks concerned, stepping back into your field of vision.

"I don't want to talk about it Jake, sorry." You say, walking away from your boyfriend.

What are you doing? You could end everything right now and just tell Jake what's wrong. Tell him of your abuse, your struggles, your scars... But if you did that, you would surely be taken away from him, and you don't want that to happen.

You sigh, turning back around. "Sorry, random mood swing there. My summer was average, what about you?" You ask, hoping to recover the lost mood.

"My summer was jolly good! I spent a lot of time with Jade, and we adventured for a good long time!" He looks ecstatic to be talking about it, and you're reminded of why you love this man.

"Tell me more," you say, sitting down in the grass. Jake sits next to you, happy to oblige.

You lean into his shoulder as he rambles, happy to just hear his voice talk. You could stay like this forever- just curled up next to Jake, listening about his latest adventure. You feel yourself drifting off into sleep, holding Jake's hand close to you as you do.

Author's Note: Sorry for such a short chapter! I'm writing a lot today, but I wasn't quite sure how I wanted to take this chapter! Next one should be longer! Hope you guys enjoy ^^

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