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Ashton tossed and turned all night like he always does, his usual dark thoughts occasionally being interrupted by thoughts of luke. Luke's eyes, his hair, his stupid smile. When Ashtons alarm went off, he was already wide awake, staring at his ceiling and trying to ignore the morning wood he had. He turned off the alarm, hauling himself up he stiffly walked to his closet. Scrunching his nose he kept adjusting himself to try to get comfortable. Nothing was working. Finally he leaned his head on the wall next to his closet, his arm around it on the wall. His other hand snaked under his sweatpants, grabbing around until he let out a gasp. Slowly sliding his hand up and down he tightened his eyes shut, the feeling of bliss growing from the pit of his stomach. Finally when he released, he quietly moaned, his eyes widening when he realized he had moaned out Lukes name. He quickly yanked his hand out of his pants, grimacing at the wet stickiness that filled his boxers. He felt shame fill his entire being. How dare he think of Luke that way, He hardly even knew the kid, Luke would probably be so disgusted by Ashton if he knew what Ashton just did. Using his clean hand he grabbed a new long sleeved shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. He checked the halls to see that no one was out there and the bathroom door was open. He could hear music playing from lauren's room, and his mom yelling at Harry to put something down. He ducked his head and ran into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He set his clothes on the edge of the counter while turning on the faucet. He quickly washed his hands, shaking his head at himself. Once he dried off his hands he quickly stripped down quickly, changing into his new clothes after wiping himself down with a damp towel. He threw his dirty clothes into the hamper, then returned to the bathroom. He plugged in the straightener and started to brush his teeth. Once he felt as if he brushed long enough he spit, and wiped his mouth on the hand towel to his left. He brought the straightener up to his head, watching as smoke fizzled out between the two clamped arms of metal. He did his hair, before finally giving up. His hair laid down flat, covering half his face, the fringe shone in the bathroom light. Turning off the straightener and setting it to the side, he stepped back out into the hallway. Grabbing his jacket he shrugged it on, the swings his backpack over his shoulder. He pockets his phone before heading downstairs.

"Ashton honney, can you help your brother" His mom begs, her hands full, and she still wasn't dressed or done up form work. Ashton nods, taking his little brother back up to his room to help him get ready for school.

"Get your homework together" Ashton says, watching Harry's blonde head bob over to his clutter filled desk. Ashton turned to the closet and pulls out a pair of jeans, and a random t shirt. He throws the clothes on his brothers bed,

"Did you eat?"

Harry nods, placing his bag on the floor and tugging off his pajama shirt. Ashton walks to laurens room, knocking on her door.

"Almost ready!" she yells, making him spin on his heels and check back on Harry. The young boy was stepping into the hall, his hands holding the straps of his backpack. Ashton ruffles his hair and the two boys walk down the stairs. Ashton waves at his mom, then steps out the front door. He bows his head and walks toward the school. On his walk he finally had a chance to check his phone, he had plenty of social media notifications, but what caught his eyes as a text from Luke.

Luke- Good morning!

Ashton smiles a little to himself, pocketing his phone and walking a little quicker to the school. Once he enters the school grounds he hears the chatter of his peers, and it makes him cower more into his hoodie. He groans a little when things clater out of his locker, an old tupperware container hits his toe and bounces back toward the locker. A pack of loose papers fall out but luckily Ashton was able to step on them before the decided to separate and fly across the hallway. Ashton falls to his knees, picking everything up and shoving it carelessly into his locker.

"You really need to clean that, it's getting ridiculous" Ashton looked up and saw a grinning Luke Hemmings. Luke's hands where shoved into his front pockets, and Ashton was shocked at the sight of dark bags under Luke's eyes. "How about I help you today at lunch" Luke says, using his toe to nudge a stray pencil toward Ashton.

"You don't have too" Ashton says, feeling his gut twist.

"I'm gonna" Luke shrugs, holding his hand out for Ashton to grab, "come on or we'll be late" Ashton finishes shoving things into his locker before grabbing his his stuff for his first hour and using Luke's hand to haul himself up. Luke rambled on to Ashton about how his older brothers make it impossible to get ready in the morning because they are always hogging the showers and eating all the food. Ashton just smiled, keeping his books held tightly to his chest and his head down.

"What about you?" Luke asks, as they stopped in front of Ashtons classroom.

"Ok" Ashton shrugs

"That's it? Just ok?" Luke asks, that certain crooked smile appearing on his face as he leans his head a little to peer at Ashton from under the flop of hair the boy was hiding under. Ashton shrugs again, looking up a little and almost squeaking at how close Lukes face actually was.

"Hey guys!" Ashton felt himself sigh a little when Michael runs up, jumping onto Luke's back. Luke stumbles forward, making Ashton yelp as Luke reaches out and slams his hands against the wall behind Ashton to gain his balance. Luke's face was almost touching Ashtons, and Michaels laugher was filling the hall. Michael reaches out and taps Ashton on the nose which makes the shorter boy flinch. Once micheal got off Luke, luke was able to step back and give Ashton his personal space back. Ashton's eyes were still wide, his body tense and he was staring hard at the wall behind his friends.

"Ash?" Luke asks, concern filling his face as he reaches toward Ashton, the movement made Ashton flinch again. Luke quickly drew back his hand, looking over ashton to try and see if he was going to have another episode like the day before.

"Hey man you good?" Michael asks, looking between Ashton and luke, unsure of what to do. Suddenly Ashton snaps out of it.

"Gotta get to class" He mumbles, before quickly turning around and darting into his classroom. He gets in his seat and sets his stuff up and laying his head on his desk.

God your such a freak, just zoning out like that. God you can't even handle typical roughhousing without freaking out what the fuck is wrong with you. It's not like you were abused or anything.

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