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When the bell rang for lunch he slowly packed up his things, trying to prolong his arrival to the cafe. He pulled his phone out when he felt it vibrate from a text message.

Calum- Mikes pissed for some reason, can you help me find him?

Ashton- sure, meet me at my locker?

Calum- C U

Ashton sighed a little, if they spent their lunch looking for the colorful boy then he wouldn't have to worry about lying about his lack of food. By the time he reached his locker he saw Calum leaning against it, the boy wore skinny jeans and a footie shirt. Ashton nudged him out of the way and put in the combination for his locker.

"So he just snapped at me that I needed to shut up then took off" Calum huffed, crossing his arms and rocking back and forth so his shoulder kept slamming into the lockers next to Ashtons. Ashton just nodded, putting all his stuff away and closing his locker.

"Hopefully it won't be long to find him, because i'm starving, and I don't want to keep you from eating" Calum laughed.

"It's fine" Ashton said softly, giving Calum a tight lipped smile.

"Ok" Calum clapped his hands, "I say we start at the music room because mikey likes that room" Ashton nodded and the two heading off toward the direction of the art wing. On their way there Ashton heard a familiar voice call out,

"Hey Ashton!! Calum!" Ashton spun around and smiled a little at the sight of Luke running toward them.

"I was about to text you and ask where you where" Luke smiled, shoving a baby carrot into his mouth when he stopped near them, his lunch bag hanging off his wrist, open and exposing the contents.

"Found us" Calum smiled, "You know Ashton?"

"Yes we have second hour together" Luke smiled, bumping his hip into Ashtons. Ashton felt heat crawl up his neck as he tried to regain his balance. "Oops sorry" Luke giggled, which the sound of made Ashtons blush reach his face.

"So where are you guys heading? I thought the lunch room was the other way?" Luke pointed over his shoulder.

"It is, but we were looking for mikey" Calum said, reaching in and taking a baby carrot out of luke's bag, "Thanks mate" He smiled popping it into his mouth.

"I don't think he likes me" Luke said a little quieter, biting his lip and furrowing his brows.

"Nonsense, Mikey loves everyone!" Calum said, turning on his heels and walking toward the music room.

"I don't know, but if you say so" Luke said hesitantly, waking up so he was next to Ashton.

"Want one?" Luke asked, holding out a carrot for Ashton, who just shook his head. Luke shrugged and bit it in half. The trio walked toward the closed music room door, the sound of guitar strumming hitting their ears.

"Yea he's in there" Calum smiled, pushing the door open. The strumming stop immediately when the three boys stepped in.

"Oh you gotta be fucking shitting me" Michael groaned, glaring at the three. Ashton felt himself shrinking into his hoodie, him and luke standing behind Calum. Luke just looked confused, and gave Calum a look that said 'told you'. Ashton knew michael didn't really want to be friends with him, he was just feeling sorry for hurting the boy the other day.

"What's wrong?" Calum asked, crossing his arms and clenching his hands into fists.

"You, and him" Michael growled, pointing at luke, who now bit his lip and took a step toward the door.

"I can leave-" Luke started,



Michael and Calum spoke at the same time.
"What is your problem?" Calum asked again, this time his voice was louder, not quite yelling but you knew the raven haired boy was upset.

"You completely ignored me last period! You just wanted the shiny new toy!"

"You were like that with Ashton!" Calum skeered, making the two boys behind him flinch. "So your the only one allowed to make new friends?"

"no , it's not like that" Michael sighed.

"Then what? Because that's what it seems like"

Luke and Ashton were now to the door, Luke's hand on the door knob, but both of their heads looking between the two best friends.

"You already have so many friends!" michael yelled, standing up and putting the guitar on the chair. "You already have the football team, and your popular and athletic, and you keep befriending so many other people, i'm scared you'll forget about me." Michaels voice kept getting quieter so by the end of his outbursts, he was talking almost as quietly as Ashton, his eyes looking at the floor, his lip trembling between his teeth.

"You idiot" Calum sighed, stepping toward his best friend and pulling him into a hug. "You my best friend, we grew up together, i could never forget about you, i'm sorry I didn't realize I was ignoring you. It's just that Luke was new and I wanted him to feel welcome."

Luke tugged on Ashtons sleeve and the two stepped out unnoticed, letting the other two be alone while they made up.

"Wanna just eat here?" Luke asked, sliding down the wall and sitting on the floor. Ashton nodded and sat down next to the blonde. His hands hiding in his sleeves, and he stared at his lap.

"Where's your food?"

"Already ate" Ashton mumbled,

"How, we've been busy all hour"

"I have homeroom last hour"

"Oh, smart" Luke said, biting into his sandwich. After he ate a few bites he spoke again, "do you always talk so quietly?" This question made Ashton blush, and shrug. "Cool" Luke said dropping it, and continuing to eat his lunch. Eventually the other two boys joined them, both sharing michaels lunch that he brought with him to the music room.

"Do you guys play any instruments?" Calum asked,

"Guitar" Luke said with a mouth full of food.

"Ashton?" Calum asked after nodding to lukes response, Ashton just shrugged. He had a drum set but, he didn't think he was actually good, it was more like a stress reliever. "Well I play bass" Calum said, puffing out his chest like he was boasting.

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