chapter 7

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Meanwhile, the Buddies kept running until they made it downtown and out of the neighborhood, and were soon in front of a store.

"I think we lost him." Rosebud said with a pant.

"Along with Oddball, Patch, and Salem." Budderball said as he noticed three of their group missing.

"Oh, no!" B-Dawg panicked. "That Halloween Hound must've gotten 'em!"

"We have to rescue them." Budderball told them.

"Why is that ghost dude after us?!" MudBud complained.

"Maybe he wants to drink our blood!" B-Dawg gasped.

"That's vampires." Buddha told him.

"Then maybe he wants to eat our brains!" B-Dawg took another guess.

"That's zombies, dude." MudBud told him.

"Maybe he wants to devour everything he sees!" B-Dawg tried again.

"That's Budderball." Rosebud smirked.

Budderball looked slightly offended by that.

"It's probably because B-Dawg released him from the mirror." MudBud said.

"Oh, sure, dog, blame me!" B-Dawg pouted. "It's you guys teasing me, and calling me scaredy-cat that made me do it!"

"It's true, we have to take full responsibility for our actions." Buddha replied.

They soon walked off as soon as Patch, Oddball, and Salem caught up.

"Sorry, guys, but I can't fight my cat instincts," Salem said. "I see a mouse, I'm gonna chase it!"

"Well, luckily we'll be able to catch up with them." Patch said.

They then went to go after the five Golden Retriever puppies.

Meanwhile, Warwick was still watching as the kids continued to trick-or-treat.

"He's got all sorts of terrifying creatures following him!" Warwick ranted to his owl sidekick.

"Come on, guys, let's get to the next house." Atticus smiled at the kids.

"Yeah!" Junior beamed as they went that way.

"How will we get to him?" Warwick wondered.

"Those are just his friends, Master." Hoot replied.

"Friends?!" Warwick glared. "With creatures of the Underworld?!"

"No, they're-" Hoot started.

"Silence!" Warwick glared. "I need to focus!" He then began to walk off to go after the kids.

"Oh, brother," Cherry rolled her eyes with a small smirk. "I'd go home, but this guy is too much fun." And where she just knew that staff that Billy had must have been Warwick's and would send the warlock flying away from its new master.

"You there!" Warwick glared as he came in front of the kids. "Young warlock."

"Actually, Billy's not a warlock." Junior spoke up.

"Do you know who I am?" Warwick grinned.

"An over actor?" Mo smirked.

"Or someone that takes his costume too seriously?" Atticus added.

"And I thought Cherry was pretentious about Halloween." Mo murmured to him about that remark.

"I am Warwick the Warlock, the evilest warlock known to man!" Warwick told them before he suddenly let out a yelp which made the kids laugh at him.

Salem and the Spooky BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now