chapter 4

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The next day soon came. Atticus's alarm went off again.

Atticus squinted his eyes as he then turned off his alarm and stretched with a yawn in his bed. "Time to wake up, buddy."

Patch turned over, still asleep.

"Come on, Patch." Atticus said.

"Alright..." Patch said before stretching himself and jumping down to the floor.

"Good thing I have two alarm clocks." Atticus said.

The second alarm clock then rang in Patch's ears.

Atticus smirked. "Good morning."

Patch pouted as he then got up for real this time.

"It helps to have alarm clocks." Atticus smirked.

Emily made a 'spooky breakfast'.

"This food looks great, Mom." Casper smiled.

"How do you like your eggs, Casper?" Emily smiled back.

"Scrambled." Casper smiled.

Emily nodded, then made him scrambled eggs for his breakfast. Oddball came out with a smile to Jessica and Christopher.

"I can't wait to get to the field trip." Oddball smiled.

"I'm just surprised they let dogs on the bus." Jessica commented.

"We'll only be allowed as long as we don't cause trouble." Patch said as he walked in.

"Uncle Patch, you're awake!" Oddball beamed.

"Yeah you can thank Atticus for that." Patch said before they heard a yawn.

"Is it time for breakfast?" Salem asked.

"Salem, why aren't you in your own house?" Emily asked.

"Because my daughter lives there now with her husband." Salem replied.

"Let me rephrase that, why aren't you at the Spellman house?" Emily then asked.

"No one's there, and that means I don't have anyone to have conversations with or talk to." Salem said.

"Oh, so you are all alone?" Emily asked.

"I wasn't invited to visit Drell's parents for Halloween." Salem pouted.

"That's so sad." Emily frowned.

"Yeah..." Salem agreed.

"You want some milk?" Emily offered, putting a saucer in front of him.

"Just because I'm a cat now doesn't mean I-" Salem was about to say until his golden eyes widen. "Is that skim...?" he then lapped up the milk like a true cat.

"Oh, brother." Patch sighed.

The family then soon ate their breakfast and the kids then went back to their rooms to get their costumes ready.

Darla decided to wear her Ark Angel costume this year.

"You still have that thing?" Atticus asked as he caught a glimpse of her.

"Yeah, I'm surprised too," Darla said as she had trouble getting the halo over her bow. "Uh, a little help?"

Atticus soon helped her with the halo. Darla sat down while she adjusted the tutu with her costume.

"Seems like just yesterday I first met you and you were wearing this thing..." Atticus said. "So, what were you thinking before Danny kinda upstaged you during your Little Boat on the Sea song?"

Salem and the Spooky BuddiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ