chapter 3

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They all continued to play tag until it started to get dark and cold and they were all wore out from the fun they had.

"Okay, I think it's time to go home for supper." Budderball suggested.

"It is getting late." Salem panted.

"Yeah... Hey, why don't you come over with me and Oddball so you won't be home all alone?" Patch invited Salem.

"Well, I guess I could stay for a while." Salem smiled.

Patch smiled back before he then carried Oddball on his back as she had fallen asleep due to the exercise she had gotten today. The Buddies then went back to their own homes with their owners for the night. Salem followed Patch so that he wouldn't be alone for the rest of the night.

"Sorry you missed Patrick, Salem," Emily said to the cursed warlock. "He was called away to the Netherworld."

"Oh, what did he need to do?" Salem asked.

"The Council called him away." Emily replied.

"Oh, I hope Hilda, Zelda, and Drell's weekend doesn't get ruined." Salem frowned.

"It won't," Emily said. "He was the only one called in."

"Well, I hope it's nothing serious, Halloween is a very important holiday to witches, I hope Edward doesn't mind missing it." Salem said.

"I'm sure spending time with his daughter and wife is better." Jessica smiled and was glad that Sabrina could spend more time with her parents now ever since Drell and Hilda got married.

"I can't wait for the field trip." Darla smiled.

Later on, after dinner, it was time for bed.

In the Netherworld...

Hilda, Zelda, and Drell were singing Halloween Carols as they were on their way to the Warlock's Retirement Home to visit Drell's parents for the holiday season. The warlock soon had a chill down his spine.

"You okay, Drelly?" Hilda asked.

"Uh, you go ahead without me, I'll be right there, I have to buckle my shoe..." Drell chuckled nervously.

The Spellman sisters shrugged and went on ahead before him.

"I haven't felt a chill like that since the day when the Halloween Hound was summoned." Drell said. He then looked around and backed up to do some investigating.

And where this Halloween would be one no one in Fernfield would ever forget.

Drell stumbled and fell until he came over to an older warlock. "Dad!"

"Hello, son," Warwick smiled and picked up his fully grown son and dusted him clean. "What brings you here?"

"Erm... Dad... You ever think the Halloween Hound would ever come around here?" Drell shivered. "Funny how you share the name with his master at the time... Coincidence, right?"

"Yes, that is a coincidence," Warwick said. "But there is no way that the Halloween Hound would be able to be summoned."

"Yeah..." Drell chuckled nervously. "Totally... Um... Well, the girls and I are at the retirement home to see you and Mom."

"Oh, then why aren't you with them?" Warwick asked.

"I had a bad feeling about Halloween Hound..." Drell shivered. "You know what Patrick and I did when we were kids... What if he comes back into the modern world?"

"Oh, please, how could that be?" Warwick asked.

"Heh, maybe you're right..." Drell chuckled nervously.

Salem and the Spooky BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now