chapter 2

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B-Dawg, Rosebud, MudBud, Budderball, and Buddha came to their meeting place and smiled once saw Patch, their 'dogfather'.

"Hey, guys, I hope you don't mind if I brought a special little guest." Patch said, referring to his niece.

"Oddball." The Buddies smiled.

Oddball walked out and smiled back to the Buddies. "Hey, guys."

"What are you doing here, dudette?" MudBud asked.

"Jessica's on Fall Break, I'll be here all week." Oddball informed with a smile.

"Really?" Budderball asked hopefully.

"Mm-hmm." Oddball nodded.

"Wahoo!" Budderball smiled.

Oddball giggled shyly to his excitement.

"I mean... You deserve it." Budderball smiled bashfully before he soon saw his siblings smirking playfully at him.

"So, what do you wanna do today, dudes?" B-Dawg asked.

"Well, we have a big day coming up," Rosebud remembered. "We're going with our new owners on their field trip."

"Dogs are allowed on field trips?" Oddball asked, surprised.

"Yep." The Buddies smiled.

"I never knew that?" Oddball said to her uncle.

"They promise not to make any trouble," Patch smiled. "Though sometimes I have to hide in someone's backpack for when I go to field trips."

"Good to know." Oddball said.

"You gonna dress up for Halloween, Oddball?" Rosebud asked. "I'm going to be a beautiful doggy princess."

"Cool." Oddball smiled.

"I'm gonna be a Hip Hop Rapper, yo!" B-Dawg beamed.

"I'm going to be an alien from another planet." Buddha decided.

"And what are you going as, Budderball?" Patch asked.

"I'm going to be a superhero dog." Budderball replied bravely.

"Cool." Patch smiled.

"As for me, I think I'll be a pirate." MudBud said.

"Hmm..." Oddball hummed about what she should be for Halloween.

"And what will you be going as, Oddball?" Rosebud asked.

"I'm not sure..." Oddball shrugged.

"Surely Jessica brought you a costume before you guys came over." Patch replied.

"Nope." Oddball shook her head.

"Hmm..." Patch hummed. "Well, I guess I'll have to see your Uncle Salem about using a costume spell."

"Yay!" Oddball smiled.

Patch chuckled. "But for now, let's play."

The Buddies smiled as they were then going to play with Oddball and Patch.

"What should we play?" Oddball asked.

"Let's play tag, visitors are it!" B-Dawg laughed.

"Hey, no fair!" Oddball laughed back as she then chased after her friends.

Patch then decided to make a quick visit to the Spellman house so he could get a costume for Oddball.

A certain cursed warlock was relaxing the only way a cat could.

Patch came to the couch. "HEY, SALEM!"

Salem yelped and jumped high in the air, clinging onto the ceiling.

"Whoops... Sorry..." Patch smiled nervously.

"What's up besides me and my fur on end?" Salem shivered.

"Can you do your costume spell and make a costume for Oddball?" Patch asked.

"Hmm..." Salem dropped down as he then walked to the attic. "Come on, let me see if I have something."

Patch followed behind Salem. "So, uh, where's Sabrina, Hilda, and Zelda?"

"Sabrina's visiting her parents and Hilda and Zelda went to their family thing in the Netherworld with Drell." Salem informed as he looked for the right spell book.

"That's good to know." Patch said.

"Let's see..." Salem hummed as he looked through the Halloween themed spell book. "Candy... Curses... Oh, costumes!"

"Great!" Patch smiled.

"You have to recite this to her and she will be instantly transformed into the costume which best suits her personality." Salem informed.

"Excellent." Patch smiled.

Salem then copied down the spell and handed it to the puppy.

Patch then took it. "Thanks a bunch, I owe you one."

"Any chance you could turn me back into a warlock?" Salem smirked.

"Nope." Patch shook his head.

"Aw, you're no fun." Salem pouted.

"Sorry." Patch said.

Salem pouted.

"But, you could come with us if you don't mind six puppies." Patch smirked.

"It's better than doing nothing." Salem said.

"Yeah, I'd hate to see you be here all alone." Patch replied.

Salem smiled as they then went back to where Oddball and the Buddies were.

"Tag, you're it." Budderball said as he tagged Oddball gently.

Oddball giggled. "Okay, look out!"

The Buddies laughed as they then ran to avoid her. Oddball laughed as she ran to tag one of them, and the one she tagged was Rosebud.

"Aww..." Rosebud pouted.

"You're it, Rosebud!" Oddball giggled as she soon rushed away from Rosebud with a giggle.

Patch and Salem then teleported over.

"You're it!" Rosebud then tackled Salem, but then realized he was a cat. "Hey, you're a cat."

"Hey, thanks for noticing." Salem deadpanned.

"Hey, kids." Patch smiled.

The Buddies looked curious of the cat.

"Uncle Salem!" Oddball beamed before pouncing on him.

"Why are all of you looking at me like that?" Salem asked.

"TAG!" the Buddies cheered and ran for him.

"Better run, Salem." Patch smirked to the black cat.

"Oh, you bet I am." Salem smirked back.

The Buddies charged for the cursed warlock who was now a cat. Salem soon tagged Buddha.

"All right... My turn." Buddha said before getting in a yoga stretch and then went to chase his siblings and friends.

"You know, this is kind of fun." Salem smiled.

"Remind of you of when you were a kid?" Patch smiled back.

"Yeah." Salem smiled.

Salem and the Spooky BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now