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a/n: i literally gave up capitalizing ten sentences in. no joke.

John got out of the car, watching Sherlock as he stepped out of his flat, adjusting his cuffs. His mouth watered at the sight of sherlock dressed up. The deep purple shirt clung to his chest as the buttons looked like they were about to break. The blazer was the same way. He had seen him all dressed up before, but it was different this time. Sherlock was a meal from the heavens and john wanted to devour him.

"You're drooling again." Sherlock walked up to John who was turning red.

"Hard not to." John smirked up at Sherlock, placing a hand on his chest to stop him from making a move. "We have to attend dinner and I won't be able to if you kiss me right now."

sherlock whined softly, pouting his lips. "baby.."

john sighed and rolled his eyes, caving in and giving sherlock a peck on the lips. he opened the car door. "in or we'll be late."

sherlock snuck another kiss as he got into the car, scooting into the middle seat so john could get in as well. when he got in the car started moving and sherlock placed a hand on his knee. "anything i need to know?"

"just be honest with them. my father is a well rounded man and my mother likes to be in control. they'll ask questions about your parents and i know you don't like to talk about them, so just dismiss the question politely, they'll understand. they'll also ask questions about your personal life and manners are important."

sherlock nodded, inhaling deeply. he looked ahead of him, looking at city lights through the windshield.

"hey," john said softly, rubbing his hand over sherlock's. "it'll be alright. you got this."

sherlock took john's hand, kissing his knuckles. "i know." he said then intertwined their fingers together. he wasn't nervous about meeting john's parents. he was nervous about telling the truth. what john would do. how he would react. if he'd be angry or be accepting. it would be a mystery until it happened.

they walked into the house hand in hand, john's parents waiting on the other side of the door to greet them. sherlock saw where john got his blue eyes, blond hair and round face from. he was spinning image of his mother. as far as his father went, sherlock saw where he got his height and how he held himself from him.

"sherlock holmes," sherlock said with a smile as he shook hands with mr. watson.

"hamish. please." mr. watson said with a smile.

sherlock gave him a nod then let go of his hand, looking at mrs. watson with a smile.

"marie." she said then shook shelrock's hand. "dinner should be ready in a few minutes. we're excited to have you here, sherlock." she said with a smile.

sherlock smiled back, placing his hand on the small of john's back. "i'm excited to be here."

"shall we sit?" mr. watson asked his wife.

mrs. watson nodded then started walking down the corridor, her husband following then the young couple behind him.

sherlock lightly rubbed his thumb over the fabric of john's shirt, kissing the boy's head before they sat down. sherlock acted quick and pulled the chair out for john, allowing him to sit before pushing the chair in then sitting himself.

"so, sherlock," mr. watson started once the food was placed in front of them. "who are your parents?"

sherlock looked over at john and john gave him a nod and a smile. he looked back at the elder man across from him. "harold and sylvia holmes. sir." 

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