What now? Move on?

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"What happened to you last night? Where did you sleep?" Those are the first questions out of the Bominators' mouth as soon as she opened the door to my room.

I just came out of the shower.

Somewhat removing the evidences of last night - except for that certain feeling of rawness down there.

"Uhmm..." I started thinking fast but she cut me off.

"Don't even try to think of an excuse... I was worried when I got home 4 am to find out you're not home, I even texted Durami and Thunder to see if you went to them..." I started to worry that I made them worry.

"You shouldn't have done that? You just made them worry out of nothing..." I went to my phone which is getting charged (it shut off last night) and opened it - as expected , it started ringing crazy for all the text messages that went in. When i checked the missed calls: unbelievable : 100+ - majority from Bom, some from Thunder,Durami,CL, Minji and even my Mom.

"Seriously Bom? 70 missed calls..." I said as I shook my head.

"I fell asleep... " she answered before sitting on  my bed. I bit my lip suppressing a grin - she thought that was less...

I checked my messages: most are still from Bom, those from my family just said to call them ASAP when I see their text.

I started texting everyone. When I looked up once finished , Bom is still staring at me.

"What?" I asked as I moved to my vanity table, took a brush then started combing my hair. She raised a brow.

"Naughty rabbit... you know,to get certain informations you can use an easy way or..." she stood up and dangled Tamtam in front of her ," ...or we can do the hard way..." I gulped thinking if Tamtam is worth blurting out what happened last night.

Bom is my bestfriend but letting her know I'm no longer a virgin right now ( and of course its impossible if she won't ask who ) is a little too soon. I still can't seem to properly believe it much more with whom i lost it to - I'm still pretty much out of it.

"Bye Tamtam..." I thought.

I smiled before turning to face the mirror and looked at Bom's reflection.

"It was nothing special... I was disappointed last night, thought a nice cold air and the beautiful view of the Han river will comfort my lonely heart. Fell asleep in my car, forgot to charge my phone when it died. That's it... nothing exciting or out of the ordinary."

A naked body flashed in my mind - but I shook that image away and exhaled before turning back to Bom. "I'm sorry, it was irresponsible of me." I promise I'll tell you soon - i thought.

"You know its dangerous sleeping inside a car - haven't you heard of those news - carbon monoxide poisoning!" she said as she dropped Tamtam to the floor.

I took a sigh of relief - for Tamtam and me.

I'm sad that I lied. It's just that I still feel vulnerable right now and I have a feeling that if Bom finds out about it and who, she would romanticized it instead of seeing it as what it is : a one night stand.

So its better to keep it to myself first and avoid unnecessary thoughts that would complicate my life.

Bom hugged me.

"About last night, don't worry..." she let go then started walking towards the door. "We can always try again... lots of cute loking, sexy fishes in the sea of the idol world." she winked then went out.

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