This is it (M)

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I'm not that confident with this type of content on my fics - i think this is my second attempt of smut, 1st one is on a tabidaragon fic "meant 2 be forever"  (tabisan smut - they are married ) 😍

R-18+ ahead - read at your own risk.😂👍

i did my best...


I felt weakened by his stare...

He walked up to me and both my hands automatically went up -  i was confused at first because a part of me (the still scared part) must have raised my hands to keep him away.

But as soon as my palms felt his hard warm chest, my elbows folded making it able for him to press his body to mine. My back hit the door with a soft thud but I didn't took notice if it hurt or not since Jae crushed his lips to mine.

I opened my lips then my hands on his chest moved up and wrapped itself around his neck as I welcomed his wet tongue in my mouth.

I moaned as he pushed his lower body to mine and without breaking our hungry mouths apart he grabbed both my thighs lifting me up and guided them as I placed it around his waist.

The position made me feel him more and made me fully aware that it's really going to happen.

I want him.... and its obvious that he does too.

I grabbed his hair a little hard as I suddenly felt aggressive and thrust my tongue in his mouth instead and licked everything it touched.

I felt him move an arm to my back then his other hand went to my face. He pulled back from our kiss and as he touched my face looked deep in my eyes. Like he's searching for something...

"What is it?..." I asked confused a little out of breathe - then suddenly scared that he changed his mind.

He must have seen that in my face so he leaned in again and kissed me tenderly before leaning back again.

"I just can't believe this..." he murmured before grabbing the back of my neck and began kissing me hungrily again.

I felt him moving back, away from the door and into his apartment. The hand on my neck then moved back down and my heart beat faster when I felt it lower one strap of my dress then continued to go over my right breast. He stopped near a table perched me on the edge.

He must have felt me stiffen and about to break our kiss so he bit my lower lip (not that hard) and pulled my face closer. He kneaded my small breast gently , his warm hand cupping it fully.

He let go of my lips and murmured.
"It fits perfectly... just perfect." before capturing my lips again.

He fondled with my breast and when he started pinching my nipple - i thought it would be painful.

"Ahhh...mmm..." I moaned in pleasure instead and i bit my lip as his kiss started to trail down to my jaw then to my neck.

He began sucking at a certain spot and I can't contain the sound i produced - the way i can't control the pooling wetness im feeling down there.

He lifted me again and walked a few steps then stopped in front of a door - i figured his room. He shifted me a little, removed his hand on my breast and reached to open the door. He raised his head to capture my lips again before he started walking and I hugged his neck closer and tried to give back the same intensity his lips are giving.

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