A New Beginning...Kind of (Chapter 4)

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Ciel pushed through the hoard of screaming fangirls, determined to get to Science on time. He gave an exasperated huff as he got past the crowd. The bluenette glanced at his watch before cursing quietly and running to his class.

Once he arrived he took his place at the back, 3 seats from the corner. Slowly, the rest of the class filed in and sat down in their own places.

"Fag" Brian, a long-term bully of Ciel's muttered and smacked the bluenette's head as he walked past.

"Everybody quiet down! Now, as I am almost positive you have heard, we have a guest to our school. He'll be with our class for the next week." The teacher paused and gestured to the door. Said door opened slowly as a clearly nervous blond entered with a small smile. The entire class exploded into cheers and in some cases, screams. Ciel rolled his eyes. Of course Trancy just had to be in his class.

Alois winced slightly at the noise. His head still hurt from his previous beating.

"Okay everyone! Calm down please! We don't want to make a bad first impression on him, do we?" Mrs Maric yelled over the commotion. Ciel decided that now was a good time to memorize the periodic table on the wall across from his desk. The class settled down eventually and Alois cleared his throat.

"Um, hello everyone...I-I'm Alois. I-I hope this doesn't disrupt your usual schedule or anything...i-if you want anything signed come up to me during the breaks and let me know." Alois smiled softly, for some reason the way he spoke made Ciel look at him properly. It wasn't so...exuberant and annoying, as well as just a little lower than when he was being interviewed. In fact he seemed almost shy.

"Okay, just to get this out of the way so your other teachers throughout the day don't get disrupted. Questions anyone?" Mrs Maric questioned and almost all of the hands in the classroom shot up. "Alois, you can choose"

"Okay then...girl with the blue hair, second row?" Blondie gestured to Rhyme who squeaked a little before clearing her throat and standing.

"Um...err..." She looked like she was going to scream for a minute and then she recomposed herself "sorry I love you, you're amazing. I just wanted to know if you had a girlfriend?" Rhyme asked nervously, completely red faced. Ciel had to force himself not to laugh out aloud. Of course he has a girlfriend! He has to, look at him! Though he soon realized what he was thinking and forced the thought from his mind.

"Don't apologize, no I don't have a girlfriend...I don't swing that way...so yes I am without a partner at this point in time." Ciel almost choked on air as he heard this.

"Oh okay...well, in that case, seeing as you clearly wouldn't be interested in me can I just introduce you to my twin brother." Rhyme gestured at Ciel. The poor bluenette blushed brightly and glared at Rhyme. "His name is Ciel. And now he probably hates me"

"Thank you for that love." Alois chuckled and looked over at Ciel. "He is rather attractive I'll just say that..." The blond winked over at the boy before continuing his Q&A session.

After this session concluded, the blond was sent to sit down and socialize while the class had 30 minutes of free time.

Ciel pulled out a book and tucked a leg up under himself to assume his reading/studying position.

So of course it was a huge shock when the class went silent as the chair next to him was pulled out with a loud squeak that seemed to be magnified by the silence that was hanging in the room. A certain blond haired actor sat down next to him with a small smile.

"You looked a little lonely sitting here by yourself so I thought I would come and join you" Alois said quietly, glancing around him at the silent class before turning back to the bluenette. "Wh-Why are they staring?" He stuttered.

"It's a little odd that you chose to sit next to me when your a famous actor and all." Ciel explained just as quietly as the blond had spoken.

"Hey guys, don't stare it's rude!" Rhyme yelled out and suddenly it was like time had rewound itself. The class was just as rowdy as it had been only minutes beforehand. Ciel tucked his hair behind his ear and continued to read his book. He closed his book with a sigh and turned to Alois, about to ask him a question but the blond cut him off.

"Oh! D-Don't feel obliged to talk to me, continue reading your b-book if you want. I-I don't want to be a nuisance" Alois stated and crossed his legs.

Ciel was absolutely stunned at how different Alois was in person. Not just emotionally but physically as well. For example, he had a small (roughly 1cm long) scar above his left eyebrow that was never visible during interviews or in movies. He also had slight bags under his eyes and a patch of very faint almost non existent freckles over his nose.

He never once stuttered in any interviews Ciel had seen. He seemed so exuberant, out-there, irritating and...happy. But when you met him he was quite literally the polar opposite. He was quiet, shy, stuttered and may possibly be even a little bit socially awkward.

His eyes were beautiful, like an icy winter storm framed by thick, long, black eyelashes and it seemed as though he was wearing eyeliner, though it wouldn't surprise the bluenette if that was just natural.

Alois was slightly shocked at how quaint Ciel was. The boy truly was quite beautiful, he wasn't joking when he said he thought he was attractive. Though it was probably stupid of him to get his hopes up as he was only at Grantham North High for a week. As if anything could happen in that amount of time. Although...he did have the choice to pick one school and from the brief one day pre-visit tours he took, most of the students acted like stuck up prats.

Hopefully the people at this one weren't.

Maybe I might end up staying here for a while...

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