Sterile Heart (Chapter 3)

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The blond awoke with a groan. He sat up, wincing, feeling previously formed bruises on his ribs.

"Oh Jesus..." He murmured in a raspy voice.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE AWAKE! Thank god! Oh honey we were so worried about you!" Hannah exclaimed in that over the top mother-he-never-had way of hers.

"Can you just shut up and give me a minute please?! My head is killing me" Alois snapped, voice feeling like sandpaper against his vocal chords. Hannah looked crestfallen. The blond teen's expression softened. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. I'm just a little sore and tired"

"Don't worry about it honey, I understand" she smiled softly. Alois looked around at his surroundings and sighed. Another trip to the hospital, eh?


"I already let all the schools know about the trip being postponed. I also tweeted from your account letting the fans know what's happened" Hannah smiled, seeming rather proud of herself for having everything under control.

"Thanks...could I have some water please?" Alois asked, skin crawling at the sterile scent of the hospital.

"How did it happen?" Hannah questioned as she got up to get a cup. Her long silvery-white hair fell over her shoulder, falling over her soft facial features. Alois, having known her from the age of 2, could not comprehend why such a caring and beautiful woman was still single. He found it rather sad that she preferred to spend time on him rather than her own life.

"Alois?" She asked and handed the teen his water.

"Hm? Oh! U-uh..." He stuttered trying to make up a somewhat believable story. "I um...I...tripped...down...the stairs! Yes that's right, I was texting and tripped and hit my head on the bottom step",part of this was true. He had hit his head on the bottom step, just he hadn't tripped to wind up doing it.

Hannah gave him a suspicious glance and he averted his gaze.

"Then what's with the bruise on your cheek?" She asked suspiciously.

"Wh-What bruise?" He fumbled over his words as he feigned ignorance. He knew exactly what bruise she was talking about. She took a picture and showed him. He cringed at the sight, platinum blond hair disheveled and sticking out at all angles. He had dark bags under his eyes, his usually bright irises were dull and somewhat lifeless.

His left cheek was swollen with bright blue and purple dusting it.

Wow thanks dad.

"That bruise" Hannah gave him a questioning look.

"I-I already t-t-told you..." Alois murmured and attempted to flatten out his hair. "Goddamn, stop being fabulous..." He grumbled to his hair (in a half-assed attempt to change the subject) as Hannah covered up a small laugh.

"Doc said you have a minor concussion, you should be out of here in a few days. Then you need to do as little strenuous activity as possible for a week" Hannah proceeded to stare at him for a moment before he coughed awkwardly. There was a knock at the door and they both jumped.

"I just thought I'd come to see my son" Claude stated as he stepped in.

"Oh...right" Hannah nodded and left, Alois' heart rate slowly inclining as the brunette stepped closer.

He felt tiny as Claude leaned down so close the fragile blonde that could feel the older man's breath brush across his lips. Alois flinched as Claude cupped his bruised cheek and ran a thumb over it.

"Hm, you'll need to get the help of a makeup artist before we leave the hospital." The brunette stated monotonously. Of course that's the first thing he says. "Your last installment of pay for your last role has been paid"

"Into my account?" Alois asked hopefully. Claude's face stayed emotionless.

"No. I'm already paying for everything anyway, you stupid, selfish brat. Why can't you just be grateful for once in your life?" Claude spat and pressed down hard on the bruise. Alois yelped and bit down on his lip.

"That's right. Squirm. Like the pathetic little faggot you are" the brunette smirked sadistically and released the blond as the door was creaked open.

"Hello, I'm just here to inform you that you will be discharged tomorrow morning" the petite, grey haired woman smiled sweetly at the pair.

"Thank you, miss" Alois smiled back softly, placing a hand on his stinging side with a barely visible wince of pain. The cheery woman took her leave with a nod.

"Trip's been postponed for a week or so right?" Claude asked, examining his hand.

"Y-Yes..." Alois murmured. "Wh-Where are my g-glasses?"

"Oh. Here. They broke with your fall so I got them repaired" Claude muttered and handed Alois his stylish, black, rectangular framed glasses.

"Thank you" Alois stated quietly as the room fell into an awkward silence.

It was so quiet Alois could hear the clock across the room.

Ticking away the seconds of his life until it's inevitable end.


That's what Alois thought of clocks.

Creepy concepts they had. Their sole purpose is to sit on the wall tic-tocking away the hours and seconds of your life with those little innocent hands.


Luka was t-.


Not now.

"Hannah's starting to get suspicious" Claude stated slowly.

"Maybe there's a reason for that" He said sarcastically and silenced himself with his hand clapping over his mouth.

Now you've done it.

Claude smirked and let out a small laugh.

" know what else is funny? The fact that you're going to have to walk around for 12 weeks on a tour with several broken ribs and a crushed ego" the brunette announced.

"Wh-What do you..m-mean?" I asked hesitantly, blue eyes glinting with fear.

"You'll find out soon enough, Blondie" Claude patted my head and left silently.

Well then.

I'm completely and utterly fucked.

A/N Shitty update is short and shitty

ËVĘRŸBØDY ŁÕVĘŠ MÊ (CielxAlois fanfiction) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now