Chapter 2: Alois' side of the story

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Chapter 2: Alois' side of the story.



"Thanks for having me" The blond smiled brightly and shook the interviewers hand before waving as he walked off stage. "Sweet Jesus I hate interviews..." The teen mumbled as he breathed out shakily, attempting to calm his racing heart.

You would think that after four years of this that he would've been used to it by now...and you would be completely mistaken. He had always had anxiety issues and a range of mental disorders such as bipolar disorder and depression.

Alois was pulled into a comforting hug that could only be delivered by manager Hannah Annafellows, who was the best mother-figure the boy had in years.

"You did great out there, Honey...and we have a ton of reporters waiting outside so we're going out the side door, I hope you don't mind but we had Dolly magazine call up and ask for a private interview. And that whole MovieStar thing wanted you to star in a promotional trailer." Hannah stated as he picked up his backpack and put on his sunglasses just in case the reporters were at the side.

"Thanks, um yeah I guess I might as well clear up some rumors floating around. And as long as they don't want me to do something insane I'm fine with it" The usually quiet and slightly socially awkward blond answered as he pushed open the side door and glanced to both sides. He sighed in relief and stepped out to wait for his car.

"Okay, I'll let them know" Hannah smiled and the young teen waved at his driver as he pulled up in the Hyundai SantaFe. Unlike most celebrities, Alois prefered a little less spotlight whenever and however he could get it. It's good to feel normal every now and then. "And by the way your father is waiting to speak to you at home"

The blond froze up and stopped typing on his phone. "H-He is...? I-I th-thought he was away o-on business?" he stuttered quietly.

"He said he came home early to see you off before your tour starts" she stated "that was rather kind of him don't you think?"

"Y-yes...I-I really do appreciate it" No. I don't want to go home. "Tell him I said thanks" tell him to stop tormenting me. "How far away are we?" How much time do I have to savor being able to move without pain?

"About half an hour..." Hannah trailed off, looking down at her IPad. Little did she know, but her words felt like a death penalty.

"Okay" it's not won't ever be okay if he's around.

He probably sounded mad, ranting like that. It's just that whenever Alois had to be around him or hear about him he couldn't help but panic.

You would too if you knew what his father did to him.

But anyway, he couldn't do anything about it. Claude fed him, clothed him, gave him a safe (well, as safe as you can get in an abusive household) living environment. He had nothing to complain about.

He was not a starving Ugandan child.

He was not living in poverty with barely enough to buy his clothes.

He was not dying of a terminal illness.

He was an internationally known actor with his whole future planned out.

He really was just a spoilt, whiny, self-centered brat.

Or rather that was Alois' thoughts. Though on the flip-side you would see just how bad he actually had it.

No, he wasn't a starving Ugandan child.

Yes, he often went days without food by the hand of his so called "father".

No, he was not living in poverty.

But his father refused to let Alois get the money from his work on set and instead Claude used this money to fuel his extreme alcohol addiction.

No, he was not dying of a terminal illness.

But his previous adoptive father had raped, abused, both physically and mentally scarred the seemingly happy teenager.

Yes, he truly may have been the best actor of all. Yet this sort of acting was not awarded with gold Logies.

This type of acting was rewarded with pitying looks and "you should've told us" and "why didn't you call anyone or talk to anyone?"

The fear Alois felt for his adoptive father simply cannot be put into words. Though I suppose that you could say it was as if whenever he was even mentioned it felt as if somebody was holding a knife to his throat and whispering silent threats into his ear. If you tell anyone about this, I promise you Alois Trancy, your life will end a lot sooner than you could ever anticipate.

No, it was worse than that. It was more like he was a small child who wandered away from his parents on a walk through the forest. And then had fallen down a deep hole that was slowly filling with water, but his leg is trapped under a large rock. Then had been bitten by a venomous snake, causing paralyzation. And then had been murdered by his best friend.

That was certainly a more accurate description of the fear Alois felt towards his father.

And unlike our dear Ciel, Alois had no siblings, no caring friend to witness his signs of depression. So, not wanting to cause anyone worry, he just bottled everything up and kept his true emotions under lock and key.

Alois had tried to kill himself a total of 13 times. Clearly, none of said attempts worked. He had tried almost everything he could, overdosing (but he passed out after 4), hanging (the rope snapped), cutting up the stream (passed out from blood loss and his father took him to hospital before beating the living daylights out of him when he was discharged) and even drowning but his reflexes kicked in and he couldn't do it.

The paparazzi had recently got a photo of Alois buying his antidepressants at the chemists and had started this whole conspiracy theory. Said theory concluded that Alois was not, in fact, depressed but used them as a sort of narcotic. This of course was complete and utter bull.

At a meet and greet not 3 months previous to this incident a fan had hugged him and started crying as all the others had but this girl was different. She was looking at his slightly uncovered arm and shaking her heard. "Why? You've done so much for me, you saved my life! We all love you! Why would you do that to yourself?"

"I-I...have problems at home love. But don't worry about me, I'll get through it" he had smiled apologetically at the girl.

To be honest the blond really was trying, he was currently holding a 2 week clean streak.

He truly was selfish.

Scarring his skin and causing so much worry to his fans. He really was pathetic.

That's what Eric Trancy had told him as he had sobbed whilst being taken by force for the second time that night.

"Truly pathetic...look at you, crying and begging for help. Look around kid, no one is going to help you. Nobody cares. Not me, I'm sure your real parents didn't care either. The world is a cruel place and you're gonna have to get used to it"

Alois could practically smell the disgusting cigars the old pervert would smoke as he revisited this event as they pulled into the driveway of his reasonably large house.

Alois stepped out of the car picked up his bag before waving at Hannah. The blond teen pushed open the door slowly and entered as quietly as possible.

"Dad...?" Alois called out in a weak voice.

Searing pain.




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