Quality time

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Requested by: ImdaKFCgurl


"Ja'faaaar, just tell me already!" I whined, sitting across from Ja'far in his office and resting my head on my arms against his desk.

Ja'far sighed tiredly and ran his fingers through his hair. "I already told you, __y/n__. I don't know what happened to all of your romance books," he replied without sparing me a glance.

I whined again. "But you're Sinbad's best friend and right-hand man! You must know what he did with them!"

"Well, I don't. This was yet another decision that he made without consulting me. Though I can't say it's a bad one..." he mumbled that last part.

I huffed and puffed out my cheeks. "What are you saying? It's horrible! Now I'm never going to know if Bella chose Edward or Jacob!"

"She chose Edward," the paper Ja'far was writing on was now filled with words, so he swapped it for a blank one and continued writing. "You shouldn't be reading that book anyway. It's horribly written with a poor story."

"Even if it was, I would've liked to have finished it... I had so many other books to read as well! How am I supposed to learn about love and romance now?" I sighed, practically accepting the fact that every book I owned that had something to do with love was now gone for good.

Ja'far stayed silent for a while after before speaking up again. "Well... I... I like you, __y/n__..."

"Oh, I know. I like you too, Ja'far," I gave him a big smile.

He looked up at me in surprise, a light pink dusting his cheeks. "Y-you do?" He asked, to which I nodded as best as I could with my head on my arms. He seemed shocked yet happy with my answer before he frowned slightly. "Wait... Do you like Sinbad as well? And Sharrkan?"

"Yeah, of course! I like everyone in the palace!" I smiled again.

Ja'far's face dropped a bit upon hearing that. "No, I mean I-" he suddenly cut himself off and shook his head before continuing on with his work. "Nevermind..."

I tilted my head, curious about what he was going to say, but I decided not to pry since it most likely wouldn't end in my favour. "Alright..."

After that we simply sat in silence, apart from the sound of Ja'far's writing and occasional change of paper. I didn't mind it though, and I also didn't mind watching him work. Though, after a while I did start to get a little bored.

I drummed my fingers on the wooden desk, making a constant rhythm to listen to and hopefully cure my boredom. It worked for a few minutes, but then I became bored of that as well.

I sighed and sat up, stretching my back to ease the mild pain I felt after sitting in such an uncomfortable position for so long. I looked around the room, searching for an activity to keep me occupied, but there was nothing. Just mountains of papers and scrolls neatly sorted all over the room.

Ja'far glanced at me and must've noticed my lack of entertainment, because he said, "You can leave if you're bored. I don't mind."

I shook my head with a small smile. "I'm okay. I'm happy to just spend some time with you, even if you are busy with something else."

"Oh... alright," he may not have been looking at me, but I could still tell he was happy with my choice to stay.

The words I spoke were true, but I still wouldn't have minded something to do. I'd be happy with pretty much anything, really. "Um... Ja'far?"

Ja'far x Innocent!Reader CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now