Wanna do it?

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Requested by: Unsure (please let me know if this was you!)


"Hey, __y/n__~. What're you reading?" Sharrkan leaned his face over my shoulder and curiously observed the pages of the book in my hands. Currently I was sitting outside enjoying the warm rays of sunlight and the sound of birds singing. Sharrkan had only just now joined me, probably trying to get out of working again.

"A book about animals. I'm trying to learn about all the different species," I replied as my eyes continued to read over all the words and illustrations.

"Oh. Nerd," Sharrkan took the book from my hands, earning a few complaints from me. He scanned over it a bit and then chucked it over his shoulder. "Boring! I want to play a game!"

I sighed, figuring there was no point in trying to reject him. "What kind of game?"

"A game with high stakes. The winner gets to make the loser do one thing for them with absolutely no limitations or complaints," Sharrkan explained with a grin on his face.

I eyed him with suspicion and crossed my arms. "Why? What do you want me to do?"

"That is a question I refuse to answer until you lose. So, do you wanna play?" He held his hand out, waiting for me to shake it and accept the bet.

I stared at his hand for a few moments, wondering if it would actually be a smart idea to accept. In the end, curiosity and a longing to have some fun got the better of me and I shook his hand, sealing the deal. "Okay. But what game will we play?"

Sharrkan smirked and locked our hands together. "Thumb wrestle! One round, one chance to win!"

"No way! Your hands are bigger and stronger than mine!" I protested and tried to pull away, but I was stuck in his grip. "And besides, that's hardly a game at all!"

"It's either this or a full-on arm wrestle."

"Neither of those options are fair, though!" I whined, though I knew that my chances of convincing him to pick another game were practically nonexistent. I weighed my options and took a glance at the amount of muscle he had on his arms. There was absolutely no way I could beat him at arm wrestling, and the probability of me winning at thumb wrestling was still pretty small, but at least it was more likely to end in my favour. "... Alright. Thumb wrestling it is..."

"Good choice," Sharrkan raised his thumb, prepared for battle. "Ready?" I nodded and raised my thumb as well.

"Three, two, one, go!" We both said at the same time. Once the countdown was over, neither of us moved. I waited for Sharrkan to make the first move by instantly pinning me down, but he remained still. I looked at him in suspense, and he just looked back at me with that same smirk still stuck on his face.

Figuring I might as well go on the offensive first I lashed out with my thumb, which was almost immediately cancelled out by Sharrkan trapping me with his own thumb. "One," he started timing. I panicked and tried to free myself, but the amount of pressure he was applying prevented me from moving at all. "Two," I tried again with all my might, yet it still wasn't good enough. "Three! I win!" He exclaimed happily and released my thumb from his death grip, then let go of my hand entirely.

"That's not fair! You picked a game you knew you'd beat me at!" I rubbed my now sore thumb, trying to ease the slight pain I felt.

"Then you should've suggested a game that didn't revolve around strength. I would've gladly taken it into consideration, you know,"

"Yeah right..." I huffed. "Oh well, no matter how unfair it was, you won. So now will you tell me what exactly it is you want me to do?"

"I just want to do a little experiment..." His voice trailed off at the end.

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