Sleepover time!

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Special thanks to bayley2 for giving me the base idea for this new addition!

Today has been such a dull day. It's been raining since sunrise and I can definitely feel it taking its toll on me. "I'm. So. Bored." I trudged along through the halls, hoping that the rain would soon cease and give me the opportunity to go outside and have some fun. "Why does the rain have to be so depressing?" I whined.

"Hey, __y/n__!" I pivoted and saw the ever-so-famous Alibaba jogging towards me. I put on the biggest smile imaginable and waved as he approached. "What's up?"

Once he was closer I realised that he was soaking wet from head to toe. I peered around his body and there was a trail of water following behind him. "Why are you all wet?" I asked.

"Oh, I was just outside. If you thought the rain was heavy before, you should see it now!" He gave a laugh as he carelessly wrung out part of his clothes all over the floor. The cold water splashed onto my bare feet a little, making me shiver.

I shook the droplets off and tilted my head slightly in question. "Why?"

"Training." He spoke as if it was obvious.

"You can't go out training in weather like that! Go change out of those clothes and take a warm bath before you catch a cold!" I pushed Alibaba in the direction of his room to urge him to get out of his wet clothes.

He pouted slightly as he looked back at me. "But the whole reason I came in was to find someone to watch me." I simply pointed my finger, silently telling him to go. "Alright, alright, I'll go. I'll see you later, then." He walked a few metres before stopping and snapping his fingers. "Wait, I almost forgot! Do you know that Sharrkan is in your room?"

I was silent for a moment. "Eh?" Confusion was written all over my face.

"Sharrkan is in your room." He repeated. "I heard his voice as I was walking by."

"He's in my room?! That's totally an invasion of privacy! Please excuse me, I have to go make sure he isn't doing anything weird!" I quickly dashed off to see why Sharrkan was in my room, leaving Alibaba without even giving him the chance to say anything more.

Within no time at all I made it outside my room. I skidded to a halt and calmly walked in with my usual happy expression, expecting to see Sharrkan as soon as I stepped inside, but everything seemed to be exactly the same as it was when I left it.

"__y/n__!" Suddenly I heard a loud voice behind me basically scream my name. It startled me and I reflexively turned around and punched the mystery person in the face. A loud thud could be heard as said person fell to the ground. I looked down to see whom I had just assaulted. Lying on the ground with teary eyes was Sharrkan. "Why do you insist on hitting me in the face? Of all places, why the face?" He cried.

"I'm so sorry, Sharrkan! But in my defence, you did sneak up on me in my own room." I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up with all my might, but he was too heavy for me to even lift him an inch. "Um, can you help me help you please?"

Sharrkan sniffled and nodded, but instead of getting up he pulled me down on top of him. "Whoops~." Was all he had to say. All the tears were gone from his face in an instant. "Oh well, now that we're face to face, we might as well stay down here! Do you want to know another way that you can help me, though?" He put one of his hands on my cheek and brought my face down closer to his so that there was barely any space left between us at all.

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