Day Thirteen - Someone You Wish Could Forgive You

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Ellie, this one's for you, I guess.

 Don't get me wrong about this, I still don't like you just as much as you don't like me. But I hope you've learnt by now that it's not my fucking fault. Depression is a thing that I've been suffering from for four years now, and I'm tired. I'm oh so very, very fucking tired. And it doesn't really help that four years later we still can't be in the same room without that awkward tension.

 I don't blame you from walking away from me. Our friendship was pretty fucking solid, but I ruined it, I accept that. I stopped being fun to be around, I moaned all the fucking time, and I was a shitbag, basically.

 But I think it would be nice for us to put that stuff behind us for Amy's sake. That girl means so much to me, and the fact that putting you and me in the same room causes problems is bad for her, I think.

 Maybe we can figure something out.

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