Day Eight - Your Favourite Internet friend

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 You call me Cobain. I call you Ryd-Ryd. I think it's safe to say our friendship is pretty secure.

 I'm not even sure anymore, but I think we've been friends for like four years now? That's crazy to me, because I'm not even friends with real life people for that long normally. If only you lived in England or I lived in NC! We would have so much fucking fun. It'd be so rad.

 I hope to visit you as soon as I work enough to get the money.

 Remember those videos we used to swap? We'd just talk to a camera and then email it to each other and it'd be like we were actually hanging out, which might sound kinda sad to other people but is actually pretty cool to me.

 For anyone who's interested, Ryder makes YouTube videos and can be found on his channel footofaferret. 

Go check him out, he's an awesome fucking guy c:

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