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From BTS Official

BTS Official:
Hello there dear

hello jin
what brings you here?

BTS Official:
I had to take some time away from the others
They really know how to drive me nuts

but you still love them right?

BTS Official:
Yeah I do.
As the oldest, it's my job to take care of them
It's a bit overwhelming sometimes

i get what you mean
my family's not the best financially and my friends are
dealing with stress and are constantly mad because of it
and so i'm there being me and supporting them while
still trying to support myself

BTS Official:
Well I'm here if you need me

and so will i for you

BTS Official:
It was nice talking with you Y/n but now,
jungkook is calling me.
It's time for me to take my leave and take care
of him.
Bye Y/n 👋👋


alrighty a big chapter here. so how are y'all? it's been awhile since i last updated.

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