I - Chain of Killings

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"A couple of weeks and we will be free"

"Can you believe it? Just two more weeks and we'll be finally done with school"

"I know right, who would believe that we've already gone this far"

"You said it. But time sure flies by, I think I'll miss school when I graduate"

"Haha I guess, although it was a pain, I'll have to admit I'll be missing this school"

Throughout the class room the whole student body was excitingly and cheerfully talking to each other about the end of their school year.

The students where all happy talking to one another, and indifferently causing a huge commotion in the class.

Even the Sensei of the class was seated on her desk, enjoying her time reading a book while skilfully ignoring the racket caused by her class. She had already taught the class everything required in the school curriculum and the final exams where already done and graded for the entire graduating student.

All was left now, is for the graduation ceremony that will be taking place during the last day of school in around two weeks. So it was currently allowed for the students to freely socialize in class, only if they stay seated on their desks.

Alongside the right side of the class, fourth row next to the window, was a dark-haired teen who was comfortably seated in his place with his hands firmly placed on his chin while aimlessly staring outside the window.

It was during the mid of spring here in Karakura Town, and the cherry blossom streets were always an enjoyable thing to see in their little town. For Sakura trees are located around every street, park, and school yard, so it's rare not to spot one when living in Karakura.

And if the boy would have to choose a favourite season, he would defiantly choose spring. For the cool spring wind are the best according to him, it isn't hot or cold and that simple breeze of air would just feel great touching his body.

The boy was so immersed in the sight of the Sakura leaves freely flowing, that he hadn't paid attention for a soft voice calling his name several times.


It was unusual for the boy to be that absorbed in day dreaming, but today he just felt like not taking part in any conservatios and instead observe the beautiful phenomenon through the window.

But a rougher and louder voice forcibly drew him out of his trance

"Oi Kenshin"

Turning his head a hundred and eighty degrees, he noticed two familiar people's attention fully pointed towards him.

Seated towards his left, was a slim girl, with shoulder length dark brown hair, worriedly looking at him. The emerald-eye girl has been calling his attention for around two minutes wanting to ask him about something.

She didn't wanted to disturb Kenshin while he was gazing through the window, but just as she was going to turn around and stop thinking about about it, the student seated in front of the raven-hair boy silently yelled his name instead.

The boy who yelled was of average height with light brown hair and eyes. The boy unlike the girl was proudly smirking for being able to get the other boys attention.

"Yamada-Kun it really wasn't that necessary really, we should have just left him alone and asked him after class" the girl embarrassedly pointed out.

"Nonsense he's the only person in class sitting quiet in his place; plus I'm curious about something, so I can't wait" the boy dismissingly stated

"But that's really inconsiderate and mean, what if Kenshin-Kun didn't want to answer you?" she gently defended, not feeling comfortable with Yamada's straight forward way of getting answers.

Between Two Worlds (A Bleach Fanfic) [2015]Where stories live. Discover now