1. Ostagar

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We arrive a few days later after Duncan conscripted me into the Wardens. I belong to them now. Try not think like that V. I thought sadly.
I look around and notice the ruins that Surrond us. I wonder how many battles took place on these ancient grounds. I thought curiously. I let out a soft sigh and let my fingers brush against the stony walls. Are you alright. A voice called out. I turn to see a young blonde headed man walking towards me. Why would this human care. I thought angrily. I leaned over the small ledge with my hands on my face. Duncan sent me to find you after you didn't come find me.He says. His melody like voice rung out. I turn to fave the man. You must be Alistar. I say simply. He smiles and nods. You must be Valena. He says sweetly. I smile and turned my focus on the ground beneath us. Rough day? He asked placing his hands on the ledge. If only you knew the half of it. I thought sadly. I am fine, just tired. I say lying his eyes wandered over me. Please let the bruises be less visible. I prayed. I see, let me know if you need to talk. He says sounding like a big brother. I bit my lip until it bleed slightly. I turned towards him and let out a sigh.
Ready to find the other recruits. I ask him. I tasted the blood from my lip and winced at the foul taste but was grateful to feel somewhat alive. I move away walking towards the camp without waiting for him. But atlas I heard his clunky armor and approached a heavy set man. I held back for a moment and let Alistar talk to the man. The guy looks over at me and smiles but didn't say anything his just leaves. Alistar walks over to me and placed a hand on my bruised shoulder. I winced in pain bitting my lip harder. Blood poured out I felt the warm substance on my chin. I pushed him away slightly and felt his eyes on me as I tried to hide the blood on my face. Here. He says handing my a small cloth. I held it to my lip and held it there for a moment letting the bleeding stop. Come on Dunan is waiting. He says eyeing me suspiciously. I followed behind him.
We approached Duncan silently and I stood close to Alistar. He's nice for a human. I thought. I may have zoned out for moment because Duncan was looking at me Sternly his lips were moving but no sound came from his lips. My hands were shaking as I tried to hide them. Understood. I say barely loud enough for him to hear. He dismissed the other while he motioned for me join him in his tent. He noticed that I refused to move once again chewing on my lip. I could tell that I was shaking slightly. He gives me a sympathetic nod and approached me. I do not mean to be disrespectable. I thought. Vaughn did more than rough you up, didn't he. He whispers. I nod slightly and let out a huff. Duncan demeanor changed suddenly he was in father mode. I guess with being so few women in the grey wardens, he has look out for them. I thought. I will send you to a healer, I trust her with my life. He says sadly. Just so you know, I admire your strength, you remind me of your mother. He says smiling. He began walking towards a big tent when he looked over his shoulder. I am fine Duncan, I have a mission to do. I tell him firmly he smiles and nods. You have her fierceness to it would seem. He says letting out a small laugh. He motions for me to go with the others. I gratefully walk over to them with a smile on my face.

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