Chapter 9: Hot Spring

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A/N: Fair warning, things might get a little "steamy"

Risa's Apartment


We had to hide from whoever was chasing us, so Itami brought to his ex-wife's apartment. We stand in the doorway of her apartment

Tomita: Lieutenant, who is this?

Itami: Oh, this is Risa...She's my ex-wife.

Kuribayashi: She's your...

Tomita:...Ex-wife sir?!

All: What?!

Risa: Huh?

I can hear a lot of commotion as I'm looking at missed call on my phone deciding I'll get to it later. I head to the doorway to see Risa.

Y/N: *waves* Hi Risa.

Risa: Oh hi L/N, good to see you again!

Kuribayashi: Wait Lieutenant, you know each other?

Y/N: We met a few times.

Everyone goes inside and gets comfortable Lelei is amazed at all the books Risa keeps, Rory is freaking out over a porcelain doll, and Pina and Bozes are looking at one of Risa's "comics" featuring homo-erotica but I digress. Itami explains the situation to Risa while she eats and Tomita keeps watch.

Itami:...and that's why we're here.

Risa: Coming here was an awful idea...Okay...There's nothing about this to justify getting me mixed up in something so dangerous.

Tomita: That's right sir, she might be your ex but she's still a civilian.

Y/N: I second that, plus a lot of guys I know would rather got to Iraq than their exes.

Tomita: On top of that it probably wasn't a good idea to lose the Bureau guy.

Itami: Yeah well. We keep running into all these problems whenever that creepy dude's around.

Tomita: So then you think he might be the leak?

Y/N: Probably not, but probably someone close to him.

Tomita: Or he might've been followed.

Y/N: Not likely if he was followed someone would be kicking in that door right now.

Risa: Excuse me... I'd kinda prefer if nothing kooky happens here at my house. I have got a deadline to meet!

Later everyone tries getting some sleep. I try to as well but I just can't after everything going on right now. I hear Tomita and Risa talking.

Tomita: Miss Risa.

Risa: Hmm?

Tomita: So it's true... you were actually married to Lieutenant Itami.

Risa: I was... I suppose we're friends now.

Tomita: The two of you were able to remain friends even after getting a divorce?

Y/N: (That's something that never happens when a Marine gets a divorce.)

Risa: Hmm... Other folks might have a problem. However, it's not like we were mad at each other. The two of us weren't exactly what most people call a classic normal married couple. We're both kinda freaks...and realized it works out better this way.

Tomita: Fair enough, so how do you know Lieutenant L/N?

Risa: Oh, he stayed over a couple of times. Guy couldn't hold his sake all that well when he went out with Itami. And well um... other things happened.

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