Why reading out loud is important when writing

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I've gotten a few comments about my style of writing with reading out loud. To be honest guys, it helps and this ain't coming from me. My literary agent said so when it comes to editing your book.

Lets say you wrote a novel (like me) and are trying to submit it to people (like me) but some parts of the story sound funny and you are trying to fix it. Read it out loud! Sure it may make you seem weird but it helps. For me, i really got into my characters personality with each dialog line they had. I would do their different accents and reactions and ended finding a TON of mistakes i would have looked over other wise.

Reading out loud is important and a new trick i just picked up. You would be surprised with how many mistakes your find when you read it out loud and the spacing between character's words etc. So this is a short little chapter but VERY important. To sum it up, read out loud your story and you will find mistakes and be able to fix them.

That's all for this chapter (i've been writing very short chapters today...), please vote, comment and fan!


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