Pacing a story

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Hahaha, I’ve just recently learned how to well pace a story. Lolz I’m the worst at rushing through a story so if you read any of my older done stories.....they rush pretty bad. Omg but I’m improving with this so, yeah!

Anyway, I never really knew how much of pacing affects the story till now. I re read my story Icebreath's decision and other than the horrible grammar and spelling (which when i have time will eventually edit and go through, maybe re do?) it moved along way too fast.

I think one of the number one issues with speeding through a story is the fact we are so excited to get it done and show people our world! So we skip over things that aren't as important but in reality are. I mean, I got really excited when I first found this site so I was just rushing through. I started my account June 6th and finished my first story on the 13th......way too fast.

So seeing my mistakes I want to help you writers with how to pace your story good. Now since writing my novel, I’ve learned I’ve had to slow it down a bit. Having a story that is in suspense is good but if it’s throughout the story....not good and I’ve realized this. Trust me, we are all not perfect writers let alone people so we will ALWAYS make mistakes in writing but that’s okay! We are still learning and improving slowly. Look, so if you read my first ever finished story "Opposites attract" then take a look at my new work, I find there is a HUGE difference and I feel horrible for not knowing how to pace my story that well.

Sorry, to continue with this chapter, pacing a story is huge! It affects the story so much. You don't want to rush through it. Make sure there are its intense points and also calmer points. Description is a huge helps to slower the pace of the story if it’s not an intense moment.

I feel as a writer that including little sections with in the story like.....character moments I call it as were you show the relationship between characters when you have that calmer moment. Whether they are a brother sister duo or a love interest, this can help the readers see how these two interact and I feel calms down the story and better paces it. Even in a Horror or action story, there needs to be a couple of these scenes. I've realized that these little things matter in a story and improve it greatly!

I tend to like to see pacing as a recipe. You need a little bit of everything but if you put too much in of either elements, you have a watery story or a rock hard one. 

Another thing I find helpful is to calm yourself down for a story. Make sure to take your time, even if your readers rush you. They just want a good chapter and if you hurry and rush it in, it may be....not so good. I've done it, we've all done it. Come on, we are not all perfect as a lot of us like to say we are. We are not. Plus mostly everyone on here are teens or middle aged yah know so we're still young and learning. 

Back on topic, pacing is SUPER important. It doesn't matter how long your chapters are it matters how well paced the written words are. You could have a half a page chapter and have about 100 chapters for a really good paced book. Or write 18 wattpad pages and have ten chapters in here. What matters is the written content and stuff which reminds me. If you read your story and you get bored with it because it’s either too fast paced or too slow paced, then change it. Add, take, it’s a process but it rewards when readers are satisfied with the written work. 

Now, I think that’s all for this topic, let me know if I missed anything so yeah. Comments below for any chapter suggestions or if you want to add something!


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