What he loves about you

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Jeff the killer

If there was one thing Jeff loved about (m/n) it was undeniably his rambling. There was two types of them, one of them was out of annoyance, and the other-which was personally Jeff's favorite- was his taunting, maybe that's a weird thing to love about someone, but there was something about how the boys nose scrunched up, how his eyebrows raised in mock surprise when someone tried to one up him with facts, or try to make him feel embarrassed, which was in fact impossible. (M/n) had dirt on everyone, he could make them cry with simply his words.

Jeff loved the small mischievous smirk that managed to creep it's way into his lips when someone admitted defeat, yeah, maybe Jeff was a bit of a sadist.

BEN drowned

The moments where (m/n) wes affectionate were rare, he had always been kind of the distant type, (m/n) tried being better at it, but it always somehow made him somewhat uncomfortable.
So that's why when he was randomly hugging Ben and snoring away in his chest, looking very cute, Ben was suprised. He did get used to these random outbursts of needing a hug, and they eventually became one of his favorite things about the boy.


There was no doubt about it that (m/n) was a cinnamon roll, but the thing liu found the most cute about him though was his enthusiasm, and acceptance, the way he always encouraged people to do what they want to do, the way he always believed that there was good in everyone, and that everyone deserves love. The way he easily accepted everyone, no matter gender, sexuality, race etc.

When liu has told (m/n) about Sully he had been undeniably nervous of his reaction, would he be scared? Would be want him to stay away? Many negative thoughts and possibilities were swarming his head. But when the moment did come, the exact opposite happened, he had accepted him, and his view on him didn't change at all, if anything he trusted him more, because liu had trusted him enough to tell him this secret.

Dark link

It was a clear fact that (m/n) is protective over the people close to him. He always made sure everyone else was happy and safe, god forbid someone tried hurting his family or friends, he may look small, but when he's pissed, he turns into satan's offspring. Dark constantly made sure (m/n) took care of himself too though, as he sometimes would drain all of his energy satisfying everyone else.

He was always so selfless, no greediness in that boy existed. Dark had been intrigued, the way the boy always defended the weak, always put a smile on everyone else's faces and was there for everyone when they need it. He couldn't deny he loved it.


It's been a long time since I updated. But I'm back, and I have a new chapter planned, now that I have more time, and I've been feeling a lot better, I'm sure I can do this.

My writing has greatly improved since I wrote this book in the first place, I feel bad for all of you who read it, but I appreciate those who still are here.

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