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Kring! Kring!   

As I woke up in the morning, I quickly take a bath then put on my clothes. I don't know why I am excited to go to Auntie's cafe. Im just in a good mood right now. I don't know why.

'You're excited to see Cody again' my brain tells me

'No Im not, I just love this day' my other brain said

'Yes you are. You're inlove with him Omygod' the other one said again

I shaked my head, realizing that I have a crazy mind. No way. There's no way that Im inlove with Cody, I just knew him yest

erday but I don't know him alot.

And hello, I don't even know if we're already friends then you'll say I like him.


But I'll ask him later if we're already friends, cause really I don't know if he wants to be my friend

But it's awkward because I kissed him last night.

But it's only on the cheeks, nothing more.


After 30 minutes I've already arrived at the cafe...

It took me an hour thinking why Cody is wasn't around

So I just went to the counter then forget my thoughts about him.

So what Nichole, if Cody is not around?

It's not like your going to die. You can work without him right? Like yesterday


N-noo. He didn't leave yesterday right? That's what he said.

Remember he was so mad at me because I was so busy playing the minion rush game I've played in whole day of work.

I remember how upset his face was.

I've done stupid things while he's doing what Auntie ordered us to do.

Well I think this day is a punishment to me.

Poor Nichole.

×××××Time Flies so fast×××××

Many customers went and passed by in the cafe

I remember the flirty couple a while ago.

Ughhh they're are so disgusting. They were kissing harshly infront of me and the people here in cafe. Seriously making out at the cafe?

They can make that in other places, but seriously here?! GROSS

I even went to the sink to let out of the sickening of the flirty couple I saw. But It's just my acting.

But I'm dead serious. They are so DISGUSTING! -o-

Time checked:  5:30 pm

4  more hours to go~

Well Cody didn't really go huh. well it's up to him.

Punishment was worth.

I was thinking out loud, when suddenly...


Someone enter the cafe, then there are custo-....

Cody?! O_O

"What are you d-..." he cut me off

"Sorry I just arranged something in my uncle's office"

He looks tired. But why he is here?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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