CHAPTER 3 ~Moments ❤

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Cody's Pov

I walked over to the bench, 10 meters away from that cafe.

Im so disgusted with

that Nichole, she's so addicted with that stupid minion rush game! She didn't even care if there's a customers coming.

She want me to take care all of the things because she's playing that game.

Huh! what a silly girl.

I will not help her anymore. She's supposed to be the one who care because it's her auntie's cafe then Im just like the assistant here because Im not the relative.

But she reversed it, and I hate it.

Nichole's Pov

As I closed the cafe, I look around to find Cody, but he's nowhere to be found. I reached the river here 10 meters away from my auntie's cafe but I still haven't find him. My feet was tired of walking around it feels like it's numb.


Where he could be? Did he went home already?

Hmm maybe.

Okay maybe it's better to say that to him tomorrow. It's late and it's getting cold already in here.


As I walked through the river I saw a boy throwing pebbles in the water.

He looks familiar from the back

Think Nichole! Think!

Oyea! Here we go. I found him.

Yes it's him. It's Cody.

Because that's the shirt that he wears before. I knew it. hahaha


"Hey!" I said while walking through him.

Im so shy, after what I have done to him.

You know everybody thinks that Im not friendly, because im not socializing to them, but that's not the reason, it's because they treated me like a nothing but a nobody

And now, I don't know what Im gonna say to him.

Im feeling nervous

He then looked at me like saying 'Why are you here', and I don't know how to start this conversation

"Uhhhm about what happen before, Im sorry.... Im just .... bored and out of my mind... I think" I said without looking at his eyes

Im so nervous and cold, Im just wearing a simple fitted blouse and a leggings. I forgot to bring my f*ckin' jacket, now look at me looks so stupid.

"Sorry if im so stupid, you know everybody knows that... Im just a nobody. You know at school...they treated me like a f*ckin nerd and they bullied me because they know that I will not fight back. Even my parents I feel that they don't even love me or care for me...."

sh*t I don't know that Im  already crying. Urggh im so stupid.

I don't know what next to say

Im doing drama here. I need to leave here. It's embarrassing.  Why did I even share my stupid experience to him!

"Uhmmm sorry that I make drama.....  I just don't know..... you know" trying to stop crying

But still, he's not answering.

"Im sorry again" then before I leave, he finally answer

"It's okay, just... forget it"

then I looked back at him.

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