CHAPTER 2- Minion rush game

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Nichole's POV

*yawn* (scratching the eyes)

Oh! It's saturday and I have no idea what pretty things should I do in this whole day at this freakin' house.

You know, nobody appreciates my exsistence here in this whole universe. Like duhhh do i look like Invisible girl that born in this world that truly nobody cares. Well f*ck them all.

No one li-

(Tok! Tok! ) "Nics! Your auntie wants to talk to you." Why? urgh!

Well except for her. She is Brenda our house keeper. She's been here since im seven and until now that im ninthteen.

Im so thankful that she came in to my life, because without her my life will be so miserable, full of sadness, full of bordoms & bullies, and if that happens i will regret my life.

She's the only one that loves and cares for me, more than my parents did. You know, like she's my real parents, that I can treat her like my mother or a father.

"Okay im coming!" I shouted

"Hurry up. Okay?"


Sheeez! Auntie?!  Do she needs anything for me again? Like huh? Do i born in this world to give the people what they need?!

At the Phone

"Hello Auntie?" trying to change my voice from nervous in to relaxing.

"Nichole, I need you right here now" like what I've said, she only remembers me when she needs something. As always.

"What can I do for you auntie?" trying not to be annoyed

"I need you to take care of the cafe, please. Just in three days" wow i don't know that she knows how to say that word, specially to me? please.

"Uh- alright. Im on my way now.

"Okay thanks, just hurry up okay?"

"Hmm yea okay"

Call ended

Wow as in wow. She said thanks to me. Omg, i want to cry now.

Okay im being over acting again. I just can't believe that she said that two words to me. Hello it's just my first time, you know NOBODY ME.

As I walk through the door of the cafe, I saw auntie talking to the old man with a boy. I think that boy has a same age as mine, or maybe older than me.

I open door and greeted auntie.

"Hey! Auntie"I look at her, then to the old man then to the boy that I think has a same age as mine

" Great your here. Uh Nichole this is Harold my business partner" she pointed the old man

"Oh. Hi sir nice to meet you." i said politely while letting my hand shake to him.

"Hello. Nice to meet you too." he said while he accepted my hand shake.

"Thank you sir"

"ooh. houoh *he laughs* Don't call me sir, you know I feel like im too old for that. Just call me Harold."

"*I laugh too* Okay sir Harold, I mean Harold. then i smile

"Okay. By the way this my son, Cody" he pointed the boy that I think again has a same as mine.

"Hi" i said while letting my hand shake to him

He looked at me head to toe, then he glared at me.

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