Chapter 8: Kill or be killed

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      A Morning walk in the forest beside the camp brings back old memories. Brings back less stress and more release. With my hands I feel the Evergreen leafs tickle my fingers. Listening to nature I feel Riley behind me I feel him squeezing my waist tight but not to tight.

   "Its such a beautiful sunrise." I say in a low voice.

   "Yes, but not as beautiful as you."

  "Cute, but whatever!"

    "No its true."


    Riley looks at his watch its time to go for a camp session. We both quickly met everyone at the training area.

    "Listen up! Today We are going to try the most challenging of all challenges!  Working under pressure!" announced Brook

  "I don't think I'm doing to do well." I say.

      "Why?" Riley asked.


       "because what?"

       "I have anger issues!"


          "Yeah, its bad."

         " Its ok , Jade."

              "I hope so."

         Watching everyone was cruelty because some broke and gave up. I not sure I could survive, I didnt want people seeing my anger. My power. The death note left on me for everyone to see. I was scared of breaking.

        Listening for my turn, I stood there listening to laughter and the Russian language they sometimes spoke.

       "Its your turn." Brook pointed to me. So with that I followed. The building we walked into was dome shaped and consisted of a big metal entrance. Once inside I was led to a small hallway then an opening. The opening was a replica of the city of Washington D.C.

     "Okay show us what you got. American." Brook called for on intercom as the doors shut.

    "What? This is my capital!" I said

to myself.

      And It started. With two guns in my hands, I looked everywhere.

      "Creek..." A door in front of me opens with a tank and people. I though maybe its just robot civilians. But no they were taken same way I was. I then lost it, "Why are you doing this to my country!"

     "Because we don't like them and you don't ether. So kill or be killed." Brook replied.

     "You are cruel!"

   "Boom!Eeeeeeee" Brook Shot an civilian in the head. And the worst part real blood gushed out.

    With tears in eyes I was angry, "You shall pay"

          I felt a burst of energy swallow me ,the glass copied my glowing eyes and windy hair. Then it all goes black..




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2014 ⏰

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