Inside Wonderland

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(J'onn's P.O.V)
"If I link us all up, I might be able to take us into Lyrics mind, and try to wake her up."

"Let's do it! Come on, link us up!"
Flash was voicing his thoughts, in well, a flash.

"Hang on Flash, what will this mean, will we be able to see everything, all of each other's memories, I'm not the most trusting, as you all know"

"You needn't worry," I reassured Batman, "I, nor anyone else, will not see anything from each other's personal life's."

"Then I don't see anything else wrong with it. Let's go."

Everything suddenly went black for a moment before a colourful green pierced though the darkness along with the pleasant chirping of a tui. As the landscape developed around us I saw that the grass was purple and the sky was yellow.

"Where are we?"

"We are in Lyrics mind, this is where her mind deems her safe."

"That would explain way everything seems inverted"

"Well if we are going to find Lyric, I say we walk this way."

So that is what we did, but we didn't seem to get anywhere, even when Flash tried to super speed away.

"Tweety, Boy Scout? What are you doing here?"

Hi guys, don't kill me please! I am thinking of stopping this story, I'm not as interested in it as I was when I started, sorry. Um.....yeah. Thank you for reading!

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